10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At The University Of Waterloo

So you just can’t anymore and you’re looking for the best places to cry at the University of Waterloo. We’ve all been at that point in our university career where we want rip out our hair and scream – be it at your prof or yourself. One can imagine this happening on regular basis, especially here at UW. Because of the many students that are enrolled here, one might think that there are zero private areas to let it all out, but here you can explore some options to make your tears discrete.

1. On the treadmill At CIF because PAC sucks

Honestly, this would probably be you’re best bet if you can keep your sobs under control or at least mask them as uncontrollable pants for air. Everyone would mistake your tears for sweat and you get to work on your new year’s resolution to keep fit!

2. Your (Residence) Room

This easily tops the list of best places to cry at the University of Waterloo. This could be a good choice if it’s a ‘why am I even here’ cry, but if it’s a ‘I just failed a midterm worth 30%’ you might want to refer to next option because of the thin a** walls.


3. Meadow like area of V1 Green

Here you have a vast amount of what used to be green grass that is now a huge hill of white nothingness. You may be cold, but at least the frigid temperatures would freeze your tears!


4. Ground floor of DC

The Davis Centre is a large and populated place that has a nice percentage of the food available in UW for munchies you’d get right after you … can. Get it?


5. In the SLC cafeteria

The SLC, as much as DC, is constantly buzzing with life, so chances are you would see someone you know who could cry with you. Or at the very least do it with you.

6. Cry At Counselling Services

For real though, they can help you if you need the help. You can find them on the second floor of Ira Needles Halls.


7. A Walk Through Waterloo Park

Not technically a part of UW but close enough right? In the park, there are beautiful lights at night (during the winter) and the alpacas would help dry your salty, salty tears.

See Also


8. The AHS Bathroom/ Shower

Is it just me or when one sees this place, does the song ‘bad and bougie’ come to mind?

9. Your Prof’s Office

When it’s the end of the semester and your you need that extra push to get on the deans list or to pass, maybe a few crocodile tears could push you over the edge.


10. On Your Way To Your Next Class/In Class

The truth of the matter is that you’ve probably already done this. So if none of the aforementioned options don’t suit you, go old fashioned!


What do you think are the best places to cry at the University of Waterloo? Comment below!
Featured photo source: pinterest.com and micefa.org
Funmi George

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