I am a sucker for an old school children's movie. But now at the tender age of 20, I realize that…
Do you ever get tired of trends and don't want to spend a ton of money recreating the new ones? Because…
Being a boss babe can be time-consuming so planing out killer outfits every day can feel like a waste of time. It…
Girls Night is a sacred tradition that only deserves the fruitiest most excellent drinks. These drinks will get you through…
Coachella looks are about making a statement and not sweating in the middle of the desert. A lot of these…
The glow up is an art that every female should master. What I mean is that learning how to go from…
Women empowering women is a phenomenon that we would like to keep going! Girl power is in the air and…
My theory is getting over an ex is exactly like ripping off an old bandaid. Its hard to do and…
Realistic hairstyles for that stress haircut are hard to find. You know when your life is falling apart cutting off…
I am not exactly the artsiest gal in town. So fitting in with the art school crowd that populate my program…