Fashion & Beauty

I Tried This Men's Concealer And This Is My Opinion

I Tried This Men’s Concealer And This Is My Opinion

For many years, the idea of men’s make up has been contentious particularly in North America. According to the author Lisa Wade, author of Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions, make up have become…

College Life

Depression is first and foremost an illness, not a state of mind. So here are some things I wish my loved ones knew about my battle with depression.

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Parents About My Battle With Depression

I want to start this article by telling you, the reader, a little bit about myself. I am a part-time model, an online writer, and an aspiring psychology/ business major. I’m athletic…


Commitment's scary. You shouldn't be ashamed if you're afraid to get involved with someone. Here's signs you're totally and completely afraid of commitment.

15 Signs You Are Totally And Completely Afraid Of Commitment

Commitment is scary, and you shouldn’t be ashamed if you are afraid to get involved with someone. Changing you life, it is scary and it is totally understandable that you many be afraid…

Food & Drink

Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes Perfect For Brunch

Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes Perfect For Brunch

If you will ask me what I would want to eat for brunch every single day, I would simply reply with one word – casserole. Seriously, is there anything better on this…