Wilfrid Laurier University is an awesome place, but it can be tricky to get the hang of at first. If this is going to be your first year attending, definitely check out these tips. Keep reading for 20 things every WLU student should know!
1. Work, work, work, work, work…out.
If you use your Laurier OneCard, whether you are a full or part-time student, the gym is free. Your OneCard serves as an athletics and recreation membership, but towels and lockers are not included.
2. Go Golden Hawks!
If you did not already know, our mascot is the Golden Hawk! Attend homecoming and support all of our amazing sport teams.
3. Is your stomach grumbling?
There are tons of food options at Laurier. The fresh food company provides hot meals all day; there’s plenty to choose from – Starbucks, Second Cup, Subway, Terrance Food Court, Tim Hortons and Wilfs. Wilfs is the Student Union restaurant and pub. One thing that’s great about Wilfs is that they do take out.
4. Get a food membership.
If you live off campus and commute to school, chances are that you spend practically all day there. Why bring food back and forth between home and school food right on campus? Get a purple or gold membership so that you have easy access to food on campus.
5. What is Waterloo Lutheran University??
Before 1973, WLU was actually named Waterloo Lutheran University. Personally, I think the name change was for the better…agreed?
6. Who is Sir Wilfrid Laurier?
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is actually on the five dollar bill and Canada’s 7th prime minister.
7. WLU is in China?!
WLU is most popular for its two main Ontario campuses: one is in Waterloo and the other is in Brantford. But did you know that WLU has 5 campuses in total? We even have one in Chongqing, China.
8. Let’s travel the world.
If you have ever wanted to explore the world and study in Spain, Australia, or England, now is your chance. We have exchange programs in over 25 countries!
9. SHHH, no talking in the library.
Need a great spot to study? The library has over 1000 spots for you to choose from.
10. Only an hour from the Six.
Well, they say it’s only an hour but honestly it’s an hour and a half. Trust me, I know. But regardless, if you are bored on the weekend, head to downtown Toronto and go sightseeing or shop with friends.
11. We have 1:25 faculty to student ratio.
Laurier has a 1:25 faculty to student ratio; this means you will be able to connect and interact with your professors more.
12. Join a club or activity. There are tons to choose from!
There are over 150 clubs and groups at WLU, so there is something for everyone.
13. Use Foot Patrol.
If you have a late night class and want someone to walk home with, there is a safe walk program provided by Foot Patrol to help you out.
14. FIFA Soccer Field
The soccer field at Laurier is surprisingly FIFA certified. Can you imagine Ronaldo or Neymar playing on our field?! Well one day…
15. Not one but two Reading Weeks!!!
Back in 2014, Laurier announced that they will be adding two reading weeks throughout the year. One is after Thanksgiving Monday in October and the other is at the end of February. That means two full weeks off – yes, I am thankful for that.
16. You Only Live Once, Well…that’s not our motto.
You only live once – that’s the motto, well that’s Drake’s at least. WLU’s motto is Veritas Omnia Vincit (Truth Conquers All).
17. We have eighteen varsity sports.
WLU has 18 Varsity sports for all of you sporty guys and girls.
18. You can make it to class on time!
The entire WLU campus is located on one square block. Classes start just 10 minutes apart from each other, but even in this time you can actually make it to any class – without having to bike or penny board.
19. Residence Learning Communities.
Live on residence? WLU has residence learning communities (RLC’s) which you can request on your housing application. They place you with other students who have common areas of study. That way you always have people around to help and it’s proven that living in an RLC can improve your grades.
20. Waterloo and Brantford have a lot to offer.
While living out in Waterloo, take time to breathe and go out to explore the city of Waterloo or Brantford. Take advantage of the parks, festivals, and shopping. Also, don’t forget about the job opportunities in the cities.