What You Can & Can’t Bring to the University of Toronto

If you are living on residence this September, multiple thoughts are probably going through your head. How do I fit everything in this suitcase? Why can’t I bring my dog?! What’s wrong with bringing a lava lamp, and what am I supposed to do with this cool beanbag chair I just ordered? In order to free you from some of your worries, I have compiled a list of “must have” things to bring with you! Keep reading for a list of things you can and can’t bring to residence at University of Toronto!

What you CAN bring to the University of Toronto…(AND SHOULD)!

1. Washroom caddy

This will help you keep everything in one place and organized.


2. Undergarments

Le duh. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory!


3. Extension cord

I can’t even begin to explain the usefulness of this device. It will save you from desperate situations when you can’t decide what is the most important thing to charge… your phone, laptop, or straightener. Why not charge them all?


4. Bed bug sheet

I learned what this was recently, and I think it is one of the most important and smartest things to bring. Think about the dorm room you are moving into. Hundreds of students have lived in this building before. You have no idea what their sanitary habits were. These mattresses could very well be home to bed bugs. Get a bed bug sheet.

5. Bedding in general

Sleep is important for school… try to manage to squeeze it in from time to time. Bedding is important to put on your list of things to bring!


6. Extra toothbrushes, paste, and floss

Because sometimes you will wake up and walk into your washroom and realize your toothbrush is wet. And you were not the one to use it. It happens. It’s gross, but that’s why you need an extra.

Tip: to avoid this situation, keep your toothbrush in your caddy and keep the caddie in your room!


7. Printer

Printing can be a pain at UofT. You have to pay for it, and the lines at Robbarts are insane; even thinking about it is practically giving me an anxiety attack. PSA: print before hand or invest in a printer.


8. Flipflops

This depends on how your residence is structured. Know if you will have to share your washroom and shower with a whole floor of students or just a few. Regardless, until you can assure it is clean, which it usually never is, invest in flip flops. Foot fungus is not fun, or so I’ve heard.

9. Laundry detergent and a hamper.

Throwback to my first year at the University of Toronto…. I forgot to bring a hamper and the whole floor of my room turned into a laundry bin. Also, walking back and forth from the laundry room without a bin was not fun.

10. Dishes

If your residence at the University of Toronto provides you with a kitchen, this is a necessity for one of your things to bring a long.


11. Clothing for all occasions.

Obviously, you know you need to bring clothes to the University of Toronto. But I want to remind you that you need to bring clothes for all sorts of situations. Who knows if you will land a job interview? Maybe you will need a nice outfit for a group presentation, etc. Be prepared for everything.

12. Shoes

This goes with the last one. You need to have shoes for every situation at the University of Toronto! Sneakers for the gym, flats for class, heels for nice events, snow boots (hello Canada!), and rainboots… once again hello Canada.


13. Hangers

Because well… you have to hang up your clothes!


14. Medication

Basic medication is often something people overlook. Stock up on your basic essentials: advil (take with food), allergy medication (you’re welcome), bandaids, polysporn, midol… honestly I could keep going…you won’t want to have to walk across the University of Toronto campus late at night for tylenol!



Because if you’re a girl, Mother Nature won’t let you forget it.

See Also

16. Nightlight

Yes I know we are older, but sometimes we still get scared of the dark. Also, I have fallen over my pile of clothes way too many times while trying to find my door in the middle of the night… Good thing I packed bandaids though!



17. Lava lamp

As cool as it may look in your room, it is a fire hazard. Bring a small table lamp instead; they are great for some extra light when you’re trying to study. They are also much less disruptive than turning on an overhead light if your roommate is sleeping!

18. Candles

To be honest, I have never really been a candle lover, but I can tell you a story about a roommate of mine who was. One day, my roommate lit one of her apple cinnamon candles, like she always did in the afternoons and she left for work. The problem was, she left it to close to her sweater on our kitchen table. Luckily, one of my other housemates was home and put out the burning sweater before any serious damage occurred. Our house smelled like burnt apples for hours… Sometimes I swear I can still smell it.

Don’t be your RA’s living nightmare!

19. Bean bag chairs

I thought these were so cool, so I definitely was upset when I found out I couldn’t bring one to the University of Toronto. But I understood why as soon as I saw my dorm. The rooms are usually very tiny, as in barely enough space for you to bring a few friends over… let alone a cool piece of furniture.


20. Your most prized possessions…?

If you are sharing a room with another individual, I would advise you to leave any really expensive items at home if you don’t need them every day. Like I said, when you move in with someone you are learning a) on how to live with them and b) how to live away from home in general. These are big enough changes already. You don’t need to be worrying about who took your things and blame it on your roommate. Leave the Louis bag at home girl.

Side notes & tips on what you can and can’t bring to the University of Toronto:

It’s wonderful to be able to share things with your roommates, like ketchup for instance. It is cost effective and it allows for friendships to form. However, I would recommend you not move in with the intention to share all your personal items.  It is very important for you to have at least some personal space and set boundaries.

This one of the hardest things about living away from home. You must learn to distinguish between personal and communal space. This is often one of the biggest reasons as to why roommates get into disagreements. I hope this post was helpful for those of you deciding what things to bring and leave at home at the University of Toronto!

What else is can you bring to residence at the University of Toronto? Comment below for our readers and share this article with friends!
Featured image: , jamiesamer.com
Sukhe Mann

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