Keep reading for 20 signs you go to the University of Toronto!
1. You have a love/hate relationship with the University of Toronto.
You’re the first to complain about everything that has to do about the University of Toronto but when anyone who doesn’t go to the school bashes, you’re the first to stand up for it.
2. Robarts has become your second home at the University of Toronto.
3. And not to mention you know Robarts was in an episode of Friends…
4. Actually, you know about all of the movies and television shows filmed on campus…
5. You have a running tally of the many wedding photos you have been in.
See Also
6. Your first actions after you pay off your University of Toronto tuition is to opt out of things covered in your tuition.
7. Despite being insanely overpriced, the University of Toronto Bookstore is your favourite store.
8. You’ve gotten lost in UC because everything looks the exact same.
9. You’ve ran from Vic to Con Hall in under ten minutes.
10. You know the difference between the three campuses… and make sure you tell people which one you go to.
11. You’ve left for your class twenty minutes early just to get a good seat for your next class. (We’re looking at you Con Hall!)
12. You brag about the fact that Mean Girls was filmed on the University of Toronto campus.
13. You’ve stomped on Trinity’s lawn (or praised it).
14. You’ve questioned whether your admittance was a fluke.
15. Walking through front campus during frosh week is a no go.
16. When you received your admission letter, you were so stoked to basically be attending Hogwarts.