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10 Things to NOT Do at University of Toronto Orientation

10 Things to NOT Do at University of Toronto Orientation

10 Things to NOT Do at University of Toronto Orientation

Going from froshie to frosh leader, some of us have learnt the ins and outs of frosh week. So whether you call it frosh or orientation week we have all the do’s and do not’s to help you survive. However, there are just some things you need to NOT do at University of Toronto orientation. Keep reading to make sure you are prepared for what NOT to do at University of Toronto orientation!

1. Do NOT drink until you blackout.

It is silly to say that students won’t be partying during University of Toronto orientation, but make sure you are doing so responsibly. Ensuring that you are drinking safely is what your frosh leaders are trained to do; but it is up to you to take your health into consideration. It is pointless to expect students to NOT go out during orientation. But getting to the point of drunkness where you can barely stand up is not only not fun for you, but also not fun for your friends. It’s also insanely dangerous. Make sure you pace yourself, drink water, and be around those that you trust, at least until you get to know the campus better!

2. Do NOT think you’re “too cool” for orientation.

It is so common for people to think that they are too cool to be at orientation. Sure, some of the events may seem childish and boring but they were designed to make you have the best experience possible, get oriented with the school, and meet your new peers. Drop the sunglasses and let of some steam.


3. Do NOT act closed off towards people.

It is normal to be shy, but you will kick yourself in the butt for not opening up later on. Make conversation with the person next to you at dinner, even if they don’t seem like someone who may share similar interests with you. All it takes is a simple, “Hello”.



4. Do NOT make yourself suffer if you feel uncomfortable.

With the above being said in #3, it is possible that you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation at one point or another during orientation. Whether that is during an orientation event or when you are around a group of people, etc… If this is the case, talk to a leader. They will be there to assist you through it and if you would rather opt out of a group activity there are most likely other events that you may be 100% down for which they can offer you instead

5. Do NOT have unprotected sex.

Whatever you wan to do in your free time is up to you. But this is probably one of the biggest mistakes a person can make during orientation week. You’re still very new and unfamiliar with these people and even though you may trust them… accidents do happen. Unwanted pregnancy and STD’s are nothing to joke about – especially at a new school and new environment during orientation. Condoms are handed out EVERYWHERE during orientation, grab a few just in case.

6. Do NOT think that this is what university will always be like.

Yes, there will be parties but after this week is when the hard stuff happens. You will be challenged intellectually and emotionally this year. Remember that most importantly you came here to get the best education you can get.


7. Do NOT only party with the people you already know or party alone.

It may not seem like it, but everybody there is in the same situation as you and many of them feel shy as well. Although it is easy to stick to yourself and the few people you may already know, be sure to branch out. Make friends, learn about their lives. There are so many people there that there will be all kinds of stories to tell.

See Also
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Orientation At Ryerson University



8. Do NOT feel obligated to participate in every single event.

No frosh event is mandatory. If you are uncomfortable, upset, or just feel like taking an hour nap, do not feel obligated to go! Make sure you get in touch with a leader though so that they can keep you updated on their whereabouts later on in the day.

9. Do NOT skip the academic events.

There are so many fun events at frosh, and the academic events do not necessarily fall into this category. However they are so helpful and will answer all questions you have in terms of programs, majors or courses. Just go or you’ll regret it in the future!

10. Do NOT forget to have fun!

Obviously the most important thing to remember at University of Toronto orientation. Let loose and enjoy yourself before the endless hours at Robarts begin! These are the days you will remember for the rest of your life.


What else would you advise future UofT students to NOT do at University of Toronto orientation? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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