10 Alcohol Free Things to Do at Ryerson University

Ryerson University obviously does not condone partying, because education is too important. However, even if it did, the party scene can’t really pick up until you turn 19 (the legal drinking age). Not to mention, Ryerson doesn’t have sororities. That means if you’re interested in hitting up some frat parties, you’ll have to make some friends at UofT.  So unless you want to attempt to party at Pitman residence, keep reading for a list of alcohol free things to do at Ryerson. You can still get a natural high in the city, all while on a student budget!

1. For only $5 to play, head on over to Snakes and Lattes.

This is a board game cafe where you can challenge your friends in just about any game you can imagine.

2. Or, make your way to the Mattamy Centre.

Cheer on your fellow Rams in basketball or hockey!

3. Is it winter time when you’re reading this?

If it is, lace up your skates and join the community at Lake Devo or Nathan Phillips Square to enjoy a free public skate.



4. If your passions include art or history…

A visit to the Ryerson Image Centre is worth your while. They offer free photography exhibitions and free tours daily at 2:30pm!

5. Shop at CF Toronto Eaton Centre.

If you love to shop, check out CF Toronto Eaton Centre; it’s only about a 5 minute walk from campus.

6. Walk to the Harbourfront.

A bit further but definitely worth the walk is the Harbourfront. Sit and admire the gorgeous view, and maybe drink some wine or dine during a free outdoor performance.


See Also

7. Enjoy a night of improv comedy at Timothy’s Coffee Pub.

If you’re down to drink on a Friday night, then drink your coffee while enjoying a night of improv comedy at Timothy’s Coffee Pub. Entertainment is free at 9pm on Danforth ave.

8. For a refreshing afternoon, check out Allan Gardens Conservatory.

It’s a beautiful place to get your fill of botanicals. This 16,000 square ft. greenhouse is a unique place to stroll through and it’s open to the public year round.

9. If you’re still looking for something to do, follow the Ryerson Student Union on twitter.

They’ll keep you in the know about events on campus. Follow here: @ryesu



10. Other noteworthy places to check out…

  • Roundabout Canada Escape
  • Hard Rock Cafe
  • Mackenzie House
  • Atrium On Bay
  • Massey Hall
  • Nathan Phillips Square
  • St. Larence Market
  • Hockey Hall of Fame
  • Queens Park
  • Chariors of Fire
  • Yonge Street
  • Oasis AquaLonge
  • Ed Mirvish Theatre
Have any cool hangouts you love to visit in Toronto? Comment below and share your favourite places with other readers!
Featured image sources: scholarshipland.com, fcsstudent.blog.ryerson.ca

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