Bullet journals are amazing. No two bullet journals are alike and that’s what makes them so brilliant. While all that freedom may be exactly what you want in a planner it can be overwhelming and kind of difficult to figure out what exactly to put in your bujo. If you’re finding yourself struggling with where to begin this list is for you. Below are bullet journal spreads that others use to ensure they’re getting the most from their planners. These are great suggestions to copy exactly or to use as a reference. The possibilities are endless!
You’ll definitely want a good yearly spread. While there are more simple ones out there that have just the year, having one that goes more in-depth can be extremely helpful. Below is an example of a spread where you do put in the dates and you also give yourself room to write down important events during those months. That way you’ll remember birthdays, holidays, vacations and anything else important to you!
While you don’t need to be as creative as the journalist below consider having an exercise tracker spread. Here you can create different workout routines that you want to commit to. The added illustrations will ensure you know exactly what it is you’re supposed to be doing. The calendars are ways to track how often you actually workout. That way you can know if this workout is working for you at the end of a month or if you’d need to switch your activities up.
This is really such a fun bullet journal spread. You can create monthly lunar spreads, detailing the cycles of that particular month. Or you can go the extra mile and write out the yearly lunar cycles. While it may seem daunting to do this, it can simply be a fun little experience. Plus, if you’re feeling off you can always know when to blame it on the moon!
Now, this bullet journal spread is important. Nothing is more annoying than trying to remember what measurements you need when you go to make a new spread. A page like this will help you remember how many dots are on a page, how many boxes you can put on a page, and how to format future spreads. This is a quick and easy reference page to ensure you never have to rip out a ruined page!
Regardless of age, it’s important to be aware of your finances. For some, that means writing out every bill, transaction, and paychecks. For others that may look more like creating graphs to know how long it will take you to save up for certain items. Money can be a hard thing to work with, and it can also be kind of boring. If you find yourself avoiding making a spread like this consider the one below. It’s straightforward but isn’t an eyesore.
This is a bullet journal spread specifically for students. College is difficult enough without having to remember dates of important tests, projects or even when your classes are. Making a semester overview at the beginning of each term will help you see exactly what the next few weeks will look like. That way you’ll never be surprised when a big project comes up. Plus, writing your schedule down like this will let you always know what your days will look like.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why not use them in your bullet journal? In spreads like this, you can take photos, albeit small ones, and place them in after every month. That way you’ll always be able to look back fondly on the memories you had during those months. Even if a particular time was stressful or bad you’ll be able to have at least one positive experience to remember.
Similar to the exercise tracker above this one goes more in-depth. This can be a difficult tracker to keep up with but it’s an important one. This spread will force you to really take a look at what you actually did for a month. If you find yourself feeling especially sluggish one month you can look back and remember you didn’t get much sleep that month. Or you weren’t feeling well for a week only to realize that the entire week you didn’t drink as much water as you should have. Plus, you can also see what habits aren’t working for you and what you need to improve on!
This is another bullet journal spread important for students. This page will really let you see how often you’re actually focusing on school. Whether it be that you’re not giving classes enough time, or entirely too much time. It will save you with stress and wasted time!
While habit trackers are a good way to look back at a month having an actual month in review spread is important too. The one below will help you put your month in perspective. Life moves pretty fast and there isn’t a lot of time to be reflective. Let this bullet journal spread be that moment of pause!
Last, but certainly not least, is a mood tracker. This is another spread that will force you to be honest with yourself but it’s important. Some months are great, some not so much. Both experiences are fine and very human. While it may not feel the greatest to admit when you’re feeling sad it’s important to address those feelings and this spread will help with that. A mood tracker will also help you figure out why you may have been sad or angry that day. It will also help you recognize what experiences make you really happy, so that way you can do those often!
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