15 Bullet Journal Spreads Every Student Should Try

Staying organized as a student can be tricky. Bullet journaling has become really popular, and for a good reason. It’s a highly customizable planning system that’s perfect for students. We’ve gathered 15 bullet journal spreads every student should try this semester to stay organized and healthy!
A Spread To Reference For Your Semester At A Glance
This is a great spread to set up at the start of your semester so you can refer back to it! It’s great to have your schedule blocked out like this so you can easily see what your week will look like, and it’s always nice to have a month by month break down of quizzes and tests you know are coming up so you don’t get blindsided.
A Spread To Figure Out Your Ideal Schedule
At the start of a new semester, it can seem daunting to have to go back to waking up early. Planning out your morning routine makes it more likely you might actually do it! The trick is to look back on this page and remind yourself what you wanted to do– then actually do it!
A Spread To Track How Much Time You Spend Studying
This is a great bullet journal spread to try so you can find a good balance between school and your social life. If you tend not to study enough, this will keep you honest. If you find that you spend too much time studying and not enough time enjoying time with friends, this can help you balance it out!
A Spread To Help You Set A Study Plan For Exams
Exams are always a stressful time and it can really help to go into them with a plan for how you’re going to prepare to study for them. Making this kind of spread a few weeks ahead of time and setting a plan for how you’re going to review the material from each week can help you make sure you don’t miss anything!
A Spread To Track How Far You Are In The Books You Have To Read For Class
If you have some books you need to read for class independently, it can help to set up a tracker like this for yourself so you can see how far you are in your book versus when you need to have the book done. The satisfaction of filling in a square after finishing a chapter can be a great motivator, too!
A Giant To-Do List So Nothing Slips Through The Cracks
Making to-do lists on a weekly or daily basis can be a great way to make sure you get everything you need to do done. Sometimes, however, that can get really tedious. Making a bullet journal spread of all the things you need to do and color coding it by either type of task or how long it would take can help streamline the process. You could even make this spread then transfer tasks from it to your daily to-do list!
A Spread To Congratulate You On Adulting
Gameifying life is a great way to make being an adult just a little more fun. Rewarding yourself for not hitting snooze, shaving, or staying on a budget might seem a little childish but the small rewards can help encourage you to develop these behaviors. Hopefully, you’ll get to the point where you don’t need the reward when you fill up the box!
A Spread To Track Birthdays And Events So You Never Miss One
With all the friends and acquaintances you’ll make at college, it can be hard to keep track of their birthdays. Add in social events and extracurriculars and you’re bound to have a pretty full schedule. This is a great way to keep those events organized and remind you of birthdays and events you committed to months in advance.
A Page To Keep Track Of Useful Phone Numbers
It’s good to have these phone numbers in your phone, of course, but having them in a spread in your bullet journal can be great, too, because it might be easier to reference. A lot of college campuses have multiple emergency numbers with different responsibilities, and it can be hard to keep track of this in your contacts. So why not put it in your bullet journal?
A List Of 15 Minute Tasks So You Can Be Productive
It’s nice to have a list of tasks you can accomplish in fifteen minutes so you can fill those times when you want to be productive but aren’t sure what you can do. Whether you need a break from homework, want to get something done quickly, or want something to do while you binge watch Friends for the eighth time, having a list can make it easier to figure out what to do!
A Spread To Keep Track Of Chores In Your Apartment
It can be easy to forget to do certain chores around the apartment, particularly chores that you only have to do once in a while. Making a list of all of them and marking them off when you do it can prevent you from realizing you haven’t changed your sheets in three weeks.
A Spread To Track Your Sleep
When school gets stressful, sleep is often the first thing to go. Late nights of partying or cramming followed by your 9 am class can really do a number on your sleep schedule. Tracking your sleep in your bullet journal can keep you honest about how much sleep you’re getting and help you recognize when you’re falling into a bad sleep pattern.
An Easy Spread To Track Your Mood
As fun as it can be to be in college, it can also do a number on your mental health. Tracking it on a day-to-day basis can be a great way to keep an eye on how you’re feeling and prevent your mood from getting too bad. If you notice you’re having a lot of bad days in a row you can reevaluate what’s going on in your life and spend a little more time on self-care.
A Spread To Track Your Period
As far as bullet journal spreads go, this one is a bit particular to the needs of the individual. Tracking your period might feel a little weird, but it’s good to know what’s going on with your body for a number of reasons. Recognizing patterns in your cycle can help you recognize when you’re dealing with PMS and predict with more accuracy when your period’s going to come so you don’t get caught off guard. It can also help you see when you’re ovulating so you can be informed when you’re going into sexual situations (even if you’re on birth control and/or already use protection, it’s good to know because no one form of birth control is 100 percent effective).
An Easy Spread To Track Your Habits
Whether you’re trying to build new good habits or break old bad habits, this kind of bullet journal spread can help. This kind of bullet journal spread is easy to set up and will keep you accountable to the goals you’ve set!