12 Bullet Journal Ideas For 2023

If you’re anything like me, you may be interested in bullet journals, but you may also have a difficult time sticking to them! It can be difficult to come up with your own creative ideas. If you need some inspiration to help you get started, check out these gorgeous bullet journal layouts that you can easily mimic!
1. Water Tracker
Staying hydrated is important for your well-being, so consider dedicating a page to tracking your water intake! Set a goal of how many glasses of water you’d like to drink per day. Create a page for each month, then create a grid for the individual days filled with boxes adding up to the amount you’d like to stick to. Doing this will give you incentive to drink more water, as you’ll want to fill your boxes! This is a great way to keep track of hydration.
2. Checkups
There are certain tasks throughout everyday life that you may forget to check up on. From oil changes to washing clothes, a checkup grid is an amazing way to hold yourself accountable. Think about all the essential things you tend to forget about, and add them to this page! Create lines to write down dates so you’re aware of the last time you checked or changed something. That way, you can refer back to this change to figure out whether you need to do it again!
3. Packing List
Let’s be real… There’s always that one thing you forget to pack when you’re getting ready for a trip. By creating a page filled with packing lists, you’ll never forget anything again! This page includes cute drawings of suitcases with itemized lists contained inside of them. Think of all the essential items you’d need to bring on any trips, and add them to this list! You can easily refer back each time you’re getting ready to go somewhere.
4. Highlight Of The Day
Bullet journals are great for practical habits, but they’re also great for personal use. Consider creating a page filled with your highlight of the day for each day of the month. By doing this, you’ll be able to look back on all the fun adventures you went on this year. This also forces you to remain optimistic – even in the event of a bad day, finding that one little highlight will remind you that it could’ve been so much worse.
5. Bucket List
Everyone has an idea in their heads of their dream destinations, but consider putting these places down on paper by adding them to your bullet journal! Create a bucket list of all the places you’d like to go, then check them off as you go along. Doing this will provide you with a portrait of all the places you’ve visited this year as well as help you plan and save up for the other locations on the list!
6. Cleaning Schedule
Most of us tend to clean when the house or apartment starts to look chaotic. To avoid this and maintain your space, create a cleaning schedule! The page layout in the photo below includes categories for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning necessities, as well as every 3 months, 6 months, and year. You can use this to organize your thought process and hold yourself accountable when it comes to tidying up.
7. Habit Tracker
Think of a list of habits you’d like to keep up with. Maybe you want to do certain habits every single day, every other day, once a week, or even twice a month. List these habits on a page for each month of the year, and create a grid for each day of the month. Fill in the grid on the day you complete your habit! You can keep up with when you’ve last completed something by referring to your bullet journal everyday. Alternatively, you can also include bad habits you’d like to break by filling in the days that you didn’t partake on the habit.
8. Mood Tracker
Aside from habits, you can also keep track of your moods for each day of each month! There are many different ways you can create a layout for this. You can use a square grid, or even a circle. Just color code each mood and fill in the square with your overall mood for that day. This will give you something interesting to look back on at the end of the year when you’re reflecting.
9. Weekly Planner
Rather than buying an entirely separate agenda, consider adding a page to your journal for each week where you can plan out your days! Just create a layout that includes each day of the week. You can also add other boxes, such as to-do lists, things you’re grateful for that week, your goals for the week, the best part of the week, etc. This is the perfect way to stay organized without spending that extra money by keeping everything in one place.
10. Period Tracker
Keep track of your period by dedicating a page of your bullet journal to your period days. This is a super easy way to be prepared for when the next cycle hits. Put the letter of each month at the top of each column, then put the days of the month along the side of each row. Fill in the corresponding circles with the days you had your period so you know when it’s coming!
11. Sleep Tracker
Sometimes, it may be difficult for you to remember how much sleep you got the prior night. Maybe your sleep schedule is completely messed up and you need a way to fix it. Creating a sleep tracker for your bullet journal is the perfect way to keep up with your rest. Just create a page for each month and put the hours of the evening at the top, highlighting the amount of time you slept in order to come up with a number. This is super easy and a great way to keep up with your health!
12. Money Tracker
A money tracker is another necessary tracker to add to the journal! You can keep up with your most recent purchases while also keeping up with your budget by adding this page. List the item, the date you bought it, and the cost. You can go the extra mile by also adding a list of bills you have to pay off each month and the date they will come out of your account. By doing this, you can come up with the amount of money you’ll have leftover. This is a great way to stay disciplined.
Which of these pages will you be adding to your bullet journal? What are some other bullet journal ideas you can think of?
Featured Image Source: https://mint.intuit.com/blog/how-to/bullet-journal-ideas/
Sarah is a recent Virginia Tech graduate with a Bachelors in Creative Writing and Psychology.