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How To Build A Resume While In College

How To Build A Resume While In College

Start with doing what interests you.

It’s important to build a resume while you are still in college. A lot of students have this impression that doing things that “look good” on a resume will make someone want to hire you. That is wrong. When an employer looks at your resume, they want to read stuff that makes you seem unique. They don’t just want to see your title or leadership position, they want to see what YOU did with your opportunities. They want to see that you are driven, passionate, and contribute to the bigger picture rather than simply doing what you’re supposed to do. So join clubs and activities that you are passionate about. Even though it may not seem like it will help you now, as you become more involved in these activities you will learn as you go.

Get involved with things related to your field of interest.

Although interviews involve talking about your previous experience, no one cares about a job title or a club that you were a member of. What an employer cares about is where that experience has brought you. They don’t want to hear you recite your experience, they want to have a conversation with you about it. They want to feel like they should hire you, you want an employer to feel like you have been working with them for years. The best way to know about your field is to start diving in. Are you an engineering major? Join clubs related to engineering! Ask to shadow varying types of engineers. Read about engineering. Do everything you can related to your field so that you can show an employer than you are fully capable of taking on the job.

Shadow professionals in your field of interest.

Shadowing professionals is a great way to learn about your field of interest and build connections to higher prospects. Call a local private practice, hospital, business, or company of your interest, introduce yourself, and ask if you can shadow or interview someone. The professional you visit can teach you a lot, and they may also know of places where you can intern. Keeping in touch with the person you shadow will make you look good to them, and they may refer you to someone else for experience.


Take advantage of your school breaks.

Not sure what to do during your winter, spring, or summer breaks? Get experience! Volunteering for a few days, interning in your field of interest, or interviewing professionals can either look good on your resume or lead to something that will.

Get an internship.

An internship is the best thing to put on a resume because it shows that you have connections and experience. It also is a great way to learn and build skills because internships are specifically designed to teach students skills. Some internships are semesters long, some are for only a week-so there are many options that can fit your needs. If you don’t know where to get one, ask your advisor, professors, career office at school, or any other professional resource you can think of!

Do your research.

A lot of professors needs help in their labs doing research. Sometimes, you don’t need to know a lot about the study, but you will learn a lot. In the beginning of the semester, ask all the professors in your department if they have research opportunities. Even if they don’t, or if you don’t qualify to help, they may lead you to something you can get involved in.

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Visit your school’s career center.

A school’s career center/office can have opportunities or advice for you that can give you opportunities in your field of interest. Their job is to help you get a job, and they can also help you craft your resume.


With these tips, you should be able to find amazing experiences to put on your resume. The two basic rules to getting goods things to put on your resume is to 1. Get experience and 2. Make connections. The more people you talk to, the better. If you don’t like people or are shy, at least push yourself to reach out to one professional in your field on interest. Putting yourself out there will show people your ambition and help them remember you. Doing so can give you some amazing opportunities that will teach you valuable skills and help build you an awesome resume.

Do you have any other helpful tips on how to build a resume? Comment below and share!
Feature Image Source: marianordvall.,