10 Budget Hacks To Try ASAP

You like money, I like money, everyone likes money- but as adults with responsibilities, we have to spend our money on things we need but don’t want. Without a strict budget, our wants get left on the wayside. There’s no reason why we should live in purgatory until we make it big! You just need to reorganize your budget so your money stays where you want it.
Save Your Coins
Coins are annoying. They’re small, don’t fit inside a small wallet, and counting them sucks. They’re also easy to accumulate, and without even knowing it you could have ten bucks lying at the bottom of your bag. Use them! Spending your coins saves money, which means more money for you.
Use Cash Before Your Card
This one is for those working in food service. Use your cash tips first, because who wants to drain their direct deposit before they need to? Cash can’t be used everywhere so if you’re buying something in a store and you have enough to complete the transaction, why not use it?
Meal Plan
Before you head to the grocery store plan out each meal for the week. Write down every ingredient you’ll need so that you will only buy what you absolutely need. Having it written down will help you stick to what you need and prevent browsing.
Cut Down On Coffee Shop Visits
Name any coffee shop. It’s ridiculously expensive, and if you go every day, adds up fast. Don’t fall into the Starbucks trap. Buy yourself a coffee maker and save your bank account. You don’t have to boycott your local Starbucks. Rather, make it a once a week treat and your wallet will thank you.
Save Up For Big Events Rather Than Many Small Things
Whether it’s cutting down on pricey makeup or supplies for another beer keg party, make your life more worthwhile by saving the money your currently blowing and putting it to better use. Get great tickets to see your favorite artist, or plan a trip with your friends. Nothing is more important than making the best of your life.
Curb Impulse Buying
When you’re in line to check out, don’t fall into the trap of buying things that are in the front of the store. They’re there because the store knows many people can’t help picking up things they don’t need, and if you fall for it every time, it adds up.
Use The Library
If you are a book lover like me, chances are you go to Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore more than the library. The price of books is constantly going up so it’s important to think before you buy a book. Will you read it more than once? Or are you probably going to give it away? If there’s a chance you might not want to keep it on your shelf, get it from the library. I only buy classics because I know I’ll read them again, and I get contemporary books from the library because I might outgrow them. It’ll save you money if you’re not giving away $20 books every few months.
Eat Out Less
This may be the hardest one to follow because eating out is easy and quick for people with busy lives. It’s also expensive if you do it regularly. If you’re like me and can’t cut dining out completely from your lifestyle, commit to limiting yourself to once a week. You’ll have more money to spend on events with your friends!
Do Not Use More Than 40 Percent Of Your Monthly Budget On Rent
Rent is easily the biggest expense in your budget. It is important to make sure you’re not spending too much on one expense or you’ll have nothing left to save. Don’t let the allure of an upscale apartment seduce you into spending more than forty percent of your budget on rent.
Always Save At Least Ten Percent Of Each Paycheck
Saving is an important habit to develop early on in your adult life. Retirement is far off, but unless you want to be forced to work into your 70’s, you must start saving now. Besides, you never know when something will happen that costs more than the total of your monthly budget.
What hacks do you use to cut down on your expenses? Tell us in the comments section!