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What To Do Around Purdue University When You’re Broke AF

What To Do Around Purdue University When You’re Broke AF

What To Do Around Purdue University When

Are you wondering what to do when you’re broke AF at Purdue University? Let’s be honest, we’re all broke around here, but having fun doesn’t have to be pricey. There are plenty of free and cheap things to do around campus so you don’t end up bored AF too!

1. If you want soda, get a Den Pop!

In case you haven’t already put the pieces together, the cheapest and widest variety of soda is available at the Den Pop. Go there, make the walk and it’ll be worth it, literally. You will spend less there than anywhere else, and its even better when you make a fun pop out of it.

2. Go to the University Surplus Store.

The Purdue consignment store sells used Purdue equipment, and it is SO cheap. Purdue rolls out its equipment frequently to maintain quality standards, which means at times perfectly working projectors, perfectly useable furniture and even TVs sometimes are available at unbelievable prices. If you pick out the right products, you can actually score on some college-long necessities. What are you waiting for? Get in there!
Details here.



3. Go to PSUB events for your evening entertainment.

This is no joke, they’re free for Purdue students. That’s the whole point. They have food and entertainment. Let’s take the Halloween events for example. You can paint pumpkins, get your wax hands done and they have food too! All you need is that Black and Gold card (Your Purdue ID)! PSUB has a lot of events, and sometimes if you get a group of friends or even go with one person, it is a blast; even the open mic nights are great. Just get on their mailing list and they send out weekly updates on what is happening.

4. Do the numerous surveys and other experiments to earn an extra buck.

A lot of departments at Purdue conduct experiments and surveys that they pay students to take. It’s an easy way to make a good $25. The economics department for example has such things, and a lot of times you can even enter to win a larger reward. Now obviously, it takes your time, but would you rather have money for a good night out for half an hour of your time or spent the entire night at home doing nothing?


5. Look out for food giveaways.

It’s a college, there’s going to be plenty of free food. For a club event, for advertisement or anything. Don’t feel shy, you’re a student, go for it! If it means finishing a small survey or learning about something for 5 minutes, do it!

6. Ask for student discounts EVERYWHERE.

Any store you go to, its always worth asking for a student discount. Whether it’s the Starbucks or Follets, no harm in asking if they have a student discount. I’ll give you an example; I was at Chipotle one time (duh), and I asked them if I can get anything with my student ID, now apparently they were having a promotion that month where students could get a free drink if they showed their ID! That piece of Black and Gold is literally gold!


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7. Use HungryBoiler smartly.

HungryBoiler is great for all us lazy Purdue kids, and it’s even better during “Eat Cheap Week”, or when some restaurant decides to put out a discount code. Always look in the descriptions for these kinds of things. Rice café has eat cheap combos all the time and the Egyptian always has 15% off dinner orders. It is SO useful that it could literally save you up one whole meal within a week.

8. Use your meal swipes and dining dollars even when you’re not hungry.

Ever been so lazy on a weekend that you decide to order delivery? Pay $15 for the meal but an extra $5 for processing and delivery, yeah we’ve all been there. The problem with that is you can easily avoid that extra cost. You have meal swipes, but the dining courts are closed, what do you do? Get On the Go. It is a huge lifesaver. Their packed meals and fruits can easily suffice for a good amount of time. With regards to dining dollars, you can get takeout from any restaurant at the Union, or any café around campus. I’ve heard the new place Cosi is nice! Go beforehand, get some food for your little fridge and you will thank yourself (and maybe even me) when you save that $20 for a meal.


9. Look for happy hours at the bars.

The bars can be expensive, and sometimes you end up spending way too much without even knowing it. Thankfully, being on a college campus, they recognize that there is a demand for low prices. Lets take the Neon Cactus for example, they have a day where you can fill up a Cactus cup for $2 instead of $5! 308 has some great deals on certain days. If you’re not feeling the bars, just get a Den Pop and make it a fun Pop, easy.

10. Don’t spend on decorations.

You moved into your new place, and it looks all dull and drab, let’s put some pictures up, maybe some nice quotes or some humor if that’s what floats your boat. Whatever you may choose, do not try and print it outside. Hicks has color printers that have some fantastic quality photo printing. You have $20 worth of print quota per semester and you can use that on the color printers. Just remember, save some for the real stuff you’ll have to print for classes!

What are your favorite things to do when you’re broke AF at Purdue University? Comment below and share the article!
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