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Bring These Things On College Move In Day

Bring These Things On College Move In Day

College life is completely different from any other time in your life. At high school, we have a strict schedule of classes, homework and extracurricular activities you need to do. But college is different. If you don’t turn up to class the professors won’t chase you. You don’t get babied or lectured for being late. You are treated as an adult and therefore expected to act like one. But if you don’t it’s you that suffers. But college life is incredibly fun. You will meet new people, experience things you never dreamed off and find yourself in the confusing middle stage of maturing into a proper adult. Move in day is scary because you don’t know what to expect in this new chapter of your life. So to make things a little easier, this is our guide on essential to pack on your moving in day. At least that will be one less thing to be nervous about!

1. Bathroom caddy

If you are living in accommodation where you will have a communal bathroom then you will need to be able to transfer your toiletries back and forth daily. You don’t know who you’re staying with initially so you don’t want to risk your stuff being used without your permission or just outright stolen. Using a caddy or bag to carry your toiletries will allow you to transport your belongings in safety and style! This is an essential for move in day!

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2. Earplugs

Again, you don’t know who you’re going to be staying with. And if you’re sharing a room you don’t know if your roomie is a snorer yet or not. Plus in college, there will be wild parties happening and depending on where you live you could end up not getting any sleep. At least if you have earplugs you’re prepared for all eventualities.

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3. First aid kit

Now depending on your accommodation you might already have medical supplies stocked. But it never hurts to have your own supply for emergencies. You can take a mini one with you to store in your room. It can just have the basics in it such as plasters, antiseptic wipes, bandages, etc. If you do have a little accident at least you’ll be able to take care of the problem quickly! And your roomies will be thankful too!

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4. Lava lamp

Now onto some more fun things! A lava lamp is a really cute decoration piece to add to any room. It just livens up any space it’s in and will provide your room with a funky glow. It’s really cute to put on a desk if you have one.

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See Also
Considering another path in your college career and if you should transfer? We've gathered a college transfer guide to help you decide.

5. Posters/ photos

As fun as it is to live a new free life at college, you can feel homesick. Make sure to take photos from home. To save the weight of photo frames you could print photos up and stick them to your walls! This way you will always have your home with you. Similar to this is posters. Whether it’s of your favourite band, movie or just a cute cat picture, hanging up posters of things you love can provide you with a sense of comfort and will help make you feel at home on move in day.


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6. Jewellery box

Failing acquiring an actual jewellery box you can just get some sort of storage device to hold your jewellery. Obviously, you’ll have some favourite sparkly things you want to take with you but something like jewellery is so easy to lose on move in day. Making sure you keep it all together and organised ensures it’s safe. And keeping it neatly stored in a container on your desk o shelf will mean you know exactly where it is at all times.


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What do you think of our move in day essentials? Do you have your own tips to offer? Leave a comment!

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