Summer is here which means there are TONS of new trends that almost everyone everywhere are trying out. One of those trends is bright and Vibrant Colors and I can see why. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic occurred which created a lot of uncertainty and instability in the world and that has continued throughout 2021 and to the beginning of 2022. But now winter has disappeared and summer is here and we are all slowly returning back to the world that we once lived in before the pandemic. And I get it, trust me. What we are living now, may just be the new normal. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop looking for adventure and the good that is and I know for a fact exists in the world. With bright and Vibrant colors, they’re energizing, they grab your attention and make you feel more alert.
Ultimately, who knew that colors had more of a deeper meaning? If you want to decorate your home or step into the fashion world of all things bright and vibrant, I have here the colors that we are so into this season.
According to a lot of research that was done on the internet, yellow is the fashion color of the year in 2022. It’s spotted all over the runways and decorative items. Why? Yellow promotes happiness and optimism. People tend to think better or on a more sentimental level when surrounded by this color and can ultimately improve our mood and outlook on life. Truth is, it’s not just one shade of yellow–it’s all of them. From lemon, mustard, butter and gold, all of them are in and I don’t see any shade of yellow disappearing anytime soon.
Pink is in and it’s not afraid who knows it. I really do love this color. Although it may come off as feminine or girly, it’s meant to represent kindness, nurturance, and compassion. It’s also believed to have a calming effect. As it turns out, one of the most popular bright and Vibrant Colors is hot pink. Why? People want items or clothing that present a more bolder and energetic look. If you’re keeping up with the fashion world, it’s all over the runway. You’re seeing all of the pinks right now, from hot pink, bubblegum, coral, and ballet slipper. Pink is having its moment and it’s staying for as long as possible.
Kerry Washington via ArgentI don’t about all of you, but I love the color green and all shades of it–lime green, shamrock green, forest green, you name it. Out of all the Vibrant Colors, this one is in. We are living in a time where people love to reinvent themselves because of the time that we are living in. I only know that to be true because when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred back in 2020, I wanted to become a better person and change who I was for the better because I was realizing how short life truly is. We are all a work in progress and things take time. The color green is a representation of that. It’s the color of renewal, fertility, and even love. The color green can also represent nature. So, if you’re in the process of a life change or two or just want a peaceful color that is vibrant, wear green.
Blue is one of my favorite colors and I’m so happy to hear that it’s one the top trending bright and Vibrant Colors of this year. Not only does the color blue represent the sea and sky, but many people correlate it to freedom, inspiration and imagination. I love the color blue because it calms me and perhaps it has the same effect for you. Since summer is here, bright blue is in and it’s popping up everywhere. From runways, to hair, your house items like couches and chairs, you name it. Blue IS having its moment–from Sky Blue, turquoise, navy and the brightest of blues that there is.
Are you going to join in on this trend?
You guessed it and even if you didn’t, Chocolate Brown is rising to the top of the color latter in its popularity. People are loving this color because it’s different and somehow correlates well with other colors of the rainbow, especially those that are bright and vibrant. There are MANY ways to bring this color into your wardrobe, too. From hats, a puffy jacket, lounge pants, purses, oversized hoodies and boots, there are plenty of ways to show off this trendy color.
Who would have thought that a color like orange would be in style? Not me, but it sure is taking over the world. Bright orange is in, but you all probably knew that because you’re seeing it EVERYWHERE. I’ve never truly been a fan of this color, but I can see why people love it. It’s a bold and Vibrant Color that conveys warmth and excitement. It’s also spontaneous and why not throw this word in there as well… witty! Now more than ever are bright colors in and with orange, it’s bringing back an early 70’s and 80’s fashion style vibe that hasn’t been seen in ages.
Purple is my favorite color and I’m not afraid who knows it! To be more specific, lilac is trending right now. It’s a very calming and comforting color and I believe that’s why I love it so much as I tend to get anxious very quickly. If you’re someone who is the same way, wear the color purple or surround yourself with it because it can relax you. Other shades of purple that are in right now are mauve, wine and magenta. Whatever your favorite shade of purple is, wear it or bring items of the color into your household for a more soothing effect to your atmosphere.
What’s your favorite color at the moment? Tell us below in the comments.
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