Bridesmaid Diaries: Wedding Do’s and Don’ts

As someone who has been in a handful of weddings, I’ve seen what can go wrong. From self-proclaimed bridezillas to divided bridal parties, you learn a lot as an active observer. Speaking from prior experience, here are a few central wedding do’s and don’ts for your big day.
Do: Add Personal Touches
Given how huge the wedding industry is, it can be difficult to come out with anything “original” when you’re constantly scouring the internet for ideas. What seems to be successful are the small touches that represent who you are. Whether it’s DIY centerpieces because you’re the crafty type or a special dedication table for those who have passed on, these components can make the difference to your guests. It shows that you are not trying to be extra and going beyond expectations that no one even set. Showcase what’s important to you and it will always come out beautiful!
Don’t: Assume Everyone’s Budget Is the Same
I’ve found that this applies to the bridal party and guests in general. For example, if you’re going to have a destination wedding, your guestlist is most likely going to be a lot smaller because everyone has a different schedule and responsibilities. If you plan on having extravagant bachelorette festivities, carefully consider who you ask to be a part of the events. After budget planning if you find that not everyone’s pockets add up the same, maybe the plans need to be adjusted. You want to make sure the special people in your life feel accommodated and included in every way. They’re doing all of this because they care about you!
Do: Have Pre-Wedding Meetings
Meeting your wedding partner the day of and walking hand in hand down an aisle with them is up there on my list of most awkward encounters. Having get-togethers beforehand can save at least some of that nervousness from occurring on your big day and maybe even build unexpected friendships. Meetings are also incredibly helpful if your wedding is a family affair. You can get updates on all of those involved instead of taking on all the arrangements yourself. It’s also a great excuse to have some good food and discuss the happiest day of your life with those you’re closest to.
Don’t: Leave Your Bridal Party Starving
Keeping track of time is one of the more difficult aspects at a wedding. Something always seems to come up and things are delayed no matter how hard you try. What makes this even worse is when your bridal party is in full hair and makeup while their stomachs are loudly growling. You’re going to end up with pale zombies in your wedding photos if you don’t have dry snacks on hand. A lot of people make snack bags for the bride, but the entire party is worth keeping tip top.
Do: Let Your Parents Have Their Moment
Yes, this day is about you and your beloved. Everyone knows that they’re here to see you but sometimes leading up to the day, toes are stepped on. Sometimes Mom wants to throw your bridal shower or Dad wants to write a special song for the day of. Whatever the case, know that this is a transition for them as well. They love you more than anything in the world and want to showcase it in the only way they know how. It may not be what you expected, but you will treasure it for a lifetime.
Don’t: Make Last Minute Changes
Nothing is as dangerous when it comes to wedding plans than the phrases “I don’t know” or “we’ll see.” These only leave room for things to spiral or you end up with gaps at the event because everything wasn’t discussed. As a bridesmaid, I’ve seen that things work most efficiently when a bride is firm on her decisions. If she wants everyone to wear the same shoes, you wear them without complaint. When she decides that the appetizers will be cheese & crackers, the entire party stands behind her instead of suggesting what they had at their wedding. The more indecisive you are, the more the wedding dream falls apart.
Do: Take Lots Of Photos
Whether you’re taking advantage of a photo booth or relying on your wedding photographer, capture as many moments as you can! Chances are your memory is not going to be the most reliable source years down the line so capturing these moments is an absolute necessity. You’ve worked hard to get to this day and it shows so why not let the camera see it? This also depends on preference so maybe you want more video clips of guests dancing or a personal hashtag full of memories for you to revel in. Whichever method you choose to keep memories, use them!
Don’t: Compromise Your Vision
No matter how well-meaning, there are always a chosen few who take their suggestions a step further and turn them into your only options. At the end of the day you must keep your vision intact. You’ve waited your whole life for this moment and it should be perfect according to what you want. If others don’t like your decisions well that’s just too bad! Remember that this whole experience is about love and if you stay true to yourself, the moment will be beautiful for the both of you.
I’ve been speaking as a bridesmaid, but once I become a bride, please hold me to this list! What do you think are some wedding do’s and don’ts? Tell us in the comments!
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Rebecca was born in Hayward, CA and still resides there today. She received her BA in English Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and is the first in her family to graduate from university. She is a Poetry student in the MFA program at Saint Mary’s College of California and is furthering her involvement in the literary community. In her spare time, she likes to lose her voice at Giants games, read Young Adult novels, make lists, and aims to cross become a writer off it.