Brave the Wind With These 7 Indestructible Hairstyles

As we enter the cold, blistery winter months, our inner fashionistas are overwhelmed with confusion. Do we risk the wind and take time to do our hair nicely? Or do we throw it up in a ponytail and call it a day? Attending school in the Windy City itself, I stumble upon this confliction quite frequently. Battling the wind for a while now, I have found some cute, realistic and indestructible hairstyles to brave the wind this winter.
1. The Braided Top Knot
This type of top knot pulls all of your hair out of your face and prevents it from getting tangled in the wind by securing it into a braid. When tying up your hair, keep it a little messy. That way when the wind blows and your baby hairs come free, it accentuates the look you were already going for!
2. The French Braided Ponytail
This hairstyle is another great way to keep your hair from blowing in your face as it secures the face-framing strands into a tightly knit braid. Keeping the ponytail free flowing provides some extra movement, giving off a cute and carefree vibe.
3. The Side Braid
A side braid (notice a trend) is another way to tame your hair from the harsh winds this winter. Start a french braid behind one ear, continue over the top of your head, and finish it on the other side from where you started. For some added flair, complete the braid in the fishtail style; a nice twist to the classic french braid.
4. The Hat
Already know your hair is not going to work with the weather…no ifs, ands, or buts about it? Pop on a hat. They are a wonderful accessory to add to your outfit, keeping you warm and holding down your hair. You could let down your locks, curl them a bit or braid them to the side for extra strength.
5. The Half Up Top Knot
Creating a half up top knot is great for keeping most of our hair controlled, despite the weather, while still staying on point with the latest trend. Make sure to bobby pin your knot down so that it doesn’t blow away in the breeze!
6. The Braided Crown
Crowning your hair with a braid holds down your locks and adds a cute touch to any outfit. This is a great option for those who are brave enough to wear their hair down on those brutally windy days.
7. Lower Braided Knot
Finally, the lower braided knot is a great way to pull all of your hair back, keep it up and out of your face, while remaining business casual and oh-so cute. Very similar to the style above, except instead of leaving the lower half of your hair down, tuck it back up into the braid!