
Boss Ladies: Famous Lessons From Women I Admire

I’ve been fortunate enough to know and learn from some pretty amazing women in my life. Whether it was women in my own family or famous women from the worlds of literature and entertainment, these ladies have provided me with wisdom and life lessons that have helped me navigate this crazy life. Here are 8 famous lessons by women I admire. They are true boss ladies!

1. Develop a strong work ethic.~ My Mom

The first lesson comes from my mom who inculcated the importance of a strong work ethic. Growing up, my sister and I were always encouraged to put our education first which meant that there would be no going outside to play before all our homework was done. To some, this might seem strict or unnecessary, but maintaining this practice has really helped me accomplish things over the years. I’ve learned to work hard and have developed a great love of reading and obtaining new knowledge. It will be something that I will continue to practice over the years and probably pass on to my own children.

2. Embrace your mistakes. They make you who you are. ~Beyonce

Of course this list of boss ladies need a lesson from the Queen Bey herself. Being that Beyonce is arguably the hardest working entertainer out here, she has had her share of experience in the world. Back when she split from her father’s management, young Bey had her first taste of the hard work it takes to manage yourself. Regardless of this, Beyonce was unafraid to make a mistake because they make us who we are. Every mistake teaches us something about ourselves and helps to shape our experiences in the world. So take every mistake you make as an opportunity to grow and improve yourself!

3. Live life on your own terms.~Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo famously said, “I was born a bitch. I was born a painter.” This quote exemplifies the extent to which Kahlo was not concerned with others opinions of her. Whether people thought she was a bitch or an amazing painter, Kahlo could care less and an infamous boss ladies. She lived life freely and unapologetically and her work reflects that much. The countless literature and documentaries about her life always emphasize how true to herself Kahlo was and it’s something that we could all learn from and apply to our own lives.

4. If you need help, ask for it! ~My sister

As most younger siblings do, I have always looked up to my big sister as most of them are boss ladies. (Please don’t tell her, her head is big enough already!) But for real, she has taught me so much over the years. One thing that I’ve learned from her is to always ask for help when you need it. Having a great support system is one of the keys to success. They will help you when you are in need and will cheer you on when you are struggling, so trust in them.

5. Be kind to others.~ Dr. Maya Angelou

One of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes is, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Because once you leave this world, the people who you left an impression on are the people who are going to keep your memory alive. Besides we are all fighting our own battles, so don’t be a jerk to someone because you don’t know how they are struggling. Be kind. Help others. And at your funeral, people will be sure to share stories of how you inspired, helped, and were kind to them.

See Also

6. Be resilient!~ My Grandmothers

Both of my grandmothers are boss ladies and single mothers who raised their children on their own. Despite obstacles that life threw at them both, they never gave up. They made sacrifices to better their families lives and they were able to build a new life out of nothing. They always remind me to find the beauty in the struggle, keep moving forward, and trust that everything will fall into place.

7. We are each other’s best teachers.~ Oprah Winfrey

Oprah’s whole life is inspirational! However, something that I find particularly inspiring is Oprah’s ability of staying humble even amidst all the success. She has always championed her audience. She has always said that her audience has helped her grow and learn about herself in the same way that she hopes to help others grow and succeed. Finding a way to learn from each other is what I take away from this boss lady because while we may all lead different paths in life, there is always something that we can learn from each other.

8. Failure does not mean your life is over.~J.K. Rowling

In her famous Harvard speech, J.K. Rowling made reference to her humble beginnings and how her success was rooted in failure. Before she became a billionaire author, J.K. Rowling was living below the poverty line and supporting her infant daughter. Life was looking dim, but one faithful day in a small, Scottish, cafe J.K. Rowling was sparked with inspiration to write a story about an orphan boy who went to a magical school and the rest was history. The essence of this lesson is to be patient. Your time will come. Work hard. Stay humble and let life work its magic.

Who is your all time favorite boss ladies? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image: Weheartit
Carla Herrera

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