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Bonnaroo Checklist

Bonnaroo Checklist

Bonnaroo is an experience like none other. 4 days of music,comedy, movies, and camping. It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement of going, and forget about what you really need, like food, water, and toilet paper. I was lucky enough to have gone with someone who had already been to Bonnaroo, so we had some idea of what we needed, but for those who are going for the first time, here is a list of things you should definitely pack, some of which you know, and some of which you might not.

1. Food

Sure, there are vendors there selling food and drinks, but it’s lot cheaper to bring your own. Pack some cold cuts, hamburger meat, peanut butter and jelly, snacks, hot dogs, bread, cereal, fruit, pop tarts, granola bars, whatever else you think you can make on a campsite. You want food that’s easy to make and can be cooked on a grill, or doesn’t need cooking at all. Just be careful not to bring glassware in to the area, because glass is not allowed at Bonnaroo. Bring along paper plates and things so you’re not stuck washing dishes.


2. Water

Water is crucial. You’re outside in the sun and heat, dancing, walking around, and you need to stay hydrated. One of the best parts of Bonnaroo is the sense of community, so you’ll often have people walking around offering you sips of their water, but you shouldn’t just rely on that. The water fountains can be crowded and dirty, so make sure to bring plenty of your own. We brought a 5 gallon jug of water, and some water bottles. You can take unopened water bottles into the venue, and camelbacks are allowed in.

3. Toilet Paper/Paper Towels


Of course you need paper towels, for making food and to clean up your campsite if you spill a drink or something. But toilet paper is also a necessity, especially for girls. Unfortunately, the only bathrooms there are port-o-potties, and with 80,000 people in one area for four days, they run out of toilet paper fairly quickly. It happened to me a few times, I’d walk in and realize that there was none left. So to be on the safe side, bring your own, and bring it with you every time you go.

4. Dry Shampoo

They have showers you can pay for, but who wants to pay $7 to take a shower every day? I did it the hard way, which was trying to shove my head under a sink with freezing cold water. It works well enough to wash your body that way and brush your teeth, but I’d usually leave feeling like my hair was dirtier than when I started. I wish I had thought to bring dry shampoo. Or even baby powder works, just throw some in your hair and it will take the grease out of it. Of course you’ll want to remember to bring other toiletries too like toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, hand sanitizer, etc.


5. Rain Gear

Hopefully it won’t rain on you, but you always need to be prepared. Bring umbrellas (which are also good for shade!), a rain coat, even rain boots. This even includes a tarp to put over your tent. We did not have one of those, so we had to sleep in the car one night. When it starts raining it turns pretty muddy. We were lucky that it only started raining late on Saturday, but packing up on Sunday in the pouring rain was not fun. If you don’t have rain boots, bring shoes that you don’t mind getting ruined.

6. Tent(s)


You’ll definitely want a sun tent for where you are setting up your campsite. There is little shade at the campgrounds and in Centeroo, as you can see from all the people huddled under the fountain, so you have to make your own shade. That’s the other way umbrellas can be helpful. It’s important to not be in the sun all day long, so anytime you return to your campsite, make sure to have some shade available.

7. Camping gear

Obviously you don’t want to forget a tent and your sleeping gear, like a sleeping bag and pillow. But to make the campsite a place to live for the next four days, you’ll also want a table, and fold-up camping chairs, plus make sure to have a first aid kit handy, just in case. We also forgot flashlights, which come in handy if you’re trying to go to the bathroom in the dark or find something in the car.


8. Cooler

Don’t forget a cooler! They sell ice at Bonnaroo, so every day just fill up a cooler, we had two, and keep your food and drinks cool. Especially if you’re bringing meat or vegetables, because those will rot in the Tennessee heat. If you know how to use dry ice, that will definitely keep your food and drinks cool, and you won’t need to spend so much money on ice, if you store it correctly.

9. Grill

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Are you looking for the best places to shop around UNH? From cute boutiques, to shops for accessories and active wear, there are plenty of shops around campus.

Bringing a small grill is a perfect way to make tasty food for cheap. It’s super easy to just grill up some hot dogs or hamburgers, or we even grilled some peppers occasionally. This way, you don’t have to spend all your money on food from the vendors and you’re not stuck eating peanut butter and jelly or cold cut sandwiches every day.

10. Sun protection


This is probably the second most important item to bring to Bonnaroo, after water. Bring along sunscreen and wear a hat as much as possible. If it’s not too hot, wear a long-sleeve shirt to hide a little from the sun. If you get burnt on the first day, it’s not going to be a fun weekend.

Don’t forget to bring patience and a positive attitude. Bonnaroo is about having fun, listening to good music, and people coming together to have an experience. You’re not going to like everyone you meet, and there will be people at different stages of inebriation, so just go with it. Focus on enjoying yourself and being positive no matter what the situation is. If you’re not having fun, that probably means other people are also not having fun, so just enjoy it.

For an even more in-depth look at what to bring, check out this checklist I found.



Pictures from here and here.



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