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10 Bomb Desserts You Can Make This Holiday Season

10 Bomb Desserts You Can Make This Holiday Season

We all know the best part of the holidays is the good, but the sweetest of all is the desserts. But having so many holidays back to back can make it hard to have unique and different desserts. Not just the same old apple pie Aunt Cheryl buys from the grocery. These desserts will steal the show and be the first to go.

1. Hot Chocolate Cookie Cups

These will be a hit by all ages, kids will love the sweets and varying flavors and adults will love the novelty of them. These are for a more creative dessert artist, although they aren’t difficult to make; the presentation is key in these. Making sure they resemble a cup of hot chocolate is what makes it the most difficult, but if you take your time after a few your cookie cups will look like a professionals.

2. Gingerbread Poke Cake

Gingerbread is one of the most festive treats during the holidays, but the flavor is either loved or hated. But with this cake you’ll be able to please both crowds. This isn’t as intense of a flavor as most gingerbreads are, and it incorporates other flavors to dial it down for those who don’t love that flavor. Make a big batch of this because everyone will be wanting seconds after trying this moist cake!


3. Maple Snickerdoodle Cookies

Snickerdoodle cookies are vastly underrated. It’s the cookie that everyone loves but somehow always forgets about because of sugar and chocolate chip stealing the show. Snickerdoodles do however steal the show when it comes to the holidays, but making them fit with the holiday feel is super easy to do. But if you want something a little bit different, opt for maple snickerdoodle cookies. They compliment the snickerdoodle flavors perfectly but gives a different taste than your typical ones! These are easy to make and even easier to clean up so they’re perfect for a last minute holiday treat!

4. Holiday Oreo Truffles

Truffles have easily become one of the most popular desserts, thanks to Starbucks and their Cakepops, we all have been trying to duplicate that ever since. Oreo is always a crowd favorite flavor, but dipping them into white chocolate dyed green or red is an easy way to make them more festive! Little kids grab these by the handfuls, so be sure to make plenty for the adults who not so secretly love them too. These take a bit longer to make but are easy enough for anyone to be able to follow.

5. Pumpkin Cheesecake

The ultimate decision during the holidays is trying to decide if you want pie or cheesecake. Thats where someone stepped up and decided that we could have both. Pumpkin cheesecake. Typing that made me salivate. Pumpkin pie is an absolute classic for holiday desserts and cheesecake has always been a close second. We all secretly want to be able to have a slice of both, but to save us from ourselves someone had the foresight to combine them and we are forever grateful. This is actually super simple to make, and there are plenty of recipes that don’t even require you to bake them. Even better for those of us who burn everything.


6. Dark Chocolate Cranberry Bars

Cranberry is a delicious holiday flavor that we all love but only really get to experience for a few months of the year. Cranberry gets a bad rap sometimes from the dreaded cranberry relish your grandma makes every year and everyone has to try and tell her how good it was. Show grandma how it’s done and make this delicious dessert to give cranberry back its good name.

7.  Potato Candy

Potato candy may not be something you’ve every heard of but in anyones family with Irish heritage, they knowhow amazing this stuff is. It’s one of the most anticipated desserts every year in my family. This is more difficult to make so get a few people together to help you out, so that when you finish making them you can bask in the greatness of these little treats. Swirled with peanut butter and made with real potatoes these will surprise you at how delicious they are. Try these out and wow everyone at both the display and taste.

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8. Pecan Roll

This is not one that the kids will be running after to eat, but it will have the adults fighting over. Pecan pie is usually the pie that grandpa and a few others eat but always has the leftovers thrown away. Making the pecan roll pleases those that like pecan pie, without having any leftovers go to waste. This is a bit sweeter so it will have more people wanting to try it and with how good it tastes, there probably won’t be any leftovers.

9. Rum Cake

This dessert is one for the adults to enjoy when the kids have eaten all of the cookies. This cake will make everyone happy, with just enough flavor of rum that it’s not too overwhelming but mixes really well with the sweetness of the cake. Spice it up and had a rum glaze or dial it down and add brown sugar trim. Either way it will be a great way to end your dinner and make you forget that rum and coke even existed.

10. Brownie Christmas Trees

This is by far the easiest one on the list, and perfect for that last minute party for forgot you had to go to. This you can just bake a box of brownies and cut into triangles, throw on some green icing and sprinkles and you have a festive and delicious dessert. People will think you spent so much time with the decorating and not even know that you threw this together twenty minutes before the party. With how easy this recipe is you’ll be able to focus on the fun of the party and not if everyone likes your dessert or not.


What desserts are you going to make this holiday season? Which ones did we leave out? Comment below your favorite holiday dessert and let us know which one you’re going to try out!

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