5 Board Games To Entertain You In Quarantine

Board games are such a great way to combat boredom and connect with your loved ones in a bit of a competitive manner. If you are looking for something to keep you guys entertained in quarantine, check out some of my favorites!
1. Guess Who? High School Reunion Edition
This game is such a classic and I can remember playing it so often at my friends’ houses growing up! It definitely turned into a bit of a competition, but don’t all of the best board games? This edition of the classic question game, Guess Who? High School Reunion, is a fun and adult twist on the original. Instead of just asking questions off the cuff about the person your friend has drawn, this board game comes with question cards that you draw at random. These cards tell you which question to ask but can also tell both you and your friend what you cannot ask about during a particular round. For example, one that my sister and I got was “no one can ask about gender for the rest of the game”, which definitely made it a bit more difficult as that is an easy way to start narrowing down the possibilities. This game is played with two people usually, however you can also play with four players if you choose to have two people on each team. My sister and I have spent many hours playing this game and it is so much fun! Plus, the additional challenge of having to ask and answer hr questions on the card you have drawn makes it a bit more difficult than you might remember the children’s game being.
2. Jimmy Fallon’s Box Of Lies
Another board game that my sister and I have discovered during this period of quarantine is one that we have seen Jimmy Fallon and several celebrities play on The Tonight Show, Box Of Lies. From watching these segments of the show, we knew that this could be fun, but playing it just proved that to us. The concept is that there are a collection of mystery boxes and one person opens it behind the divider that is between you and your opponent so that they cannot see the contents. You draw a card that either tells you to tell the truth about what is in your box or lie about it. The goal is for your opponent to guess correctly whether you have told the truth or lied! There are so many mystery item cards that are so wild and odd, so you can truly play this for hours and be entertained. Definitely give this board game a try if you are looking to mix up your game night a little bit, especially if it is just you and one other person in quarantine because you only need two players for this one!
3. Trouble
This next board game is a more recent addition to our board game collection, but my older sister and I most definitely had the 1990s edition when we were younger, Trouble. This game made me so nervous when I was younger but also gave such an adrenaline rush if things worked out in your favor! If you have not ever played this game, basically the concept is that you press the Pop-O-Matic bubble in the center of the game board to roll the die, which tells you how many spaces you can move your game piece. It seems pretty straight forward right? Well, there is a twist! Be careful because you can actually be bumped back to the beginning of the board! You can play with two to four players and each player is represented by a color: red, blue, green, and yellow. Similar to the game SORRY, Trouble is sure to get super competitive, but mostly be a lot of fun! Definitely get your hands on this game if you have not played it before, you will not regret it!
4. Watch Ya’ Mouth
This board game is a favorite within my family, it has been known to make both my sister and I as well as our parents laugh for several hours. It was super popular when it first hit the market, but I have not heard much about it as of late, which is a real shame! To play this game, you and two to ten of your closest friends or family members wear a mouth guard (which is included and can be washed) and say whatever phrase is on your card while the other players try to guess what you are saying. There are four decks of cards with unique and funny phrases on them: classic, sing it, pop culture, and head-to-head, so that you can mix things up and keep everyone entertained! It sounds so simple, but the mouth guard definitely restricts you and makes it so much harder to understand what you are saying. Prepare to laugh so hard that you cry if you decide to pick up this game! We could all use a little more laughter in our quarantine lives, right?
5. Disney Villainous
Last but certainly not least, is a new discovery from Disney, the Villainous board game! I do not own this one, yet, but am really looking forward to getting it and playing it one day soon with my family. There are four different game packs: the original Villainous, Villainous Evil Come Prepared, Villainous Perfectly Wretched, and Villainous Wicked To The Core. Each game pack comes with different villans to act as your game pieces. For example, the original pack (pictured below) comes with Captain Hook, Maleficent, Jafar, Ursula, Queen of Hearts, and Prince John. Depending on which character you choose to play as determines which strategies and plans you can go with in order to win! You can play each version of this game as a stand-alone game or combine all of the different packs together to have more character and playing options. This was the 2019 Game of the Year and is definitely on my to-buy list!