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10 Blow Job Secrets Men Will Never Tell You

10 Blow Job Secrets Men Will Never Tell You

Oral sex, fellatio, blow jobs, head, whatever you want to call it, there are about as many tips and tricks that go along with it. While we don’t know *exactly where blow jobs came from or who started it (you want me to do what?), what we do know is that honey, they don’t call it a job for anything.

Instead of searching Aimlessly on the Internet trying to find the best tips and tricks for giving a memorable BJ, We decided to go straight to the source and decided to ask the men.Here is a list of blow job tips men will never tell you. 

Dry mouth

There’s nothing worse than having a dry mouth, except having dry mouth and participating in oral sex. Whether it’s from prescription medication, dehydration, or nerves, dry mouth must be avoided at all costs. Always keep some chewing gum or hard candies that you can suck on (pun intended) in your purse to keep your mouth wet the way it should be. After all, a little preparation never hurt anybody. 

Hum Dinger 

Much like standard sex, men like to know that you enjoy the blow jobs you give him. So every time You travel down south hum a little tune, so he knows that you are enjoying every second of him being in your mouth. The Vibrations will add a tingling sensation taking your blow jobs to the next level. It’s time to level up, babe. 

Change up the view 

You don’t have to do the kneeling-in-front-of-him-while facing his position- he’d actually prefer it not to be that way. Coming in from the side and positioning yourself in a way that’s more comfortable to you will ease the tension and make it, so she has a great view of your ass. It’s time to throw the kneepads out the window because it’s 2020, and we’re switching up the rules.

Silence is a virtue 

And when it comes to giving blow jobs chances are the quieter that he is, the better he feels. Don’t take his silence as an insult! If it’s weirding you out, tell him or turn on some music to fill the empty noise. 

Pull a Samantha Jones

If you’ve never seen sex in the city, then this reference may mean nothing to you. Good thing I’m a SATC addict and can teach you all I know. You know that mirror you’ve had dangling on your door since college? It’s time to put that bad boy to use to elevate your blow jobs. Position your partner in front of the mirror, so they have a front-row seat to your performance. Many people get aroused by watching themselves, and this is perfect for play to test it out with. 

Looks don’t matter 

Does my face look weird? What if the way I look while having oral sex is a total turn off? When it’s time to slide down the chute, you might be totally freaked out about how you look as flashbacks of That girl who could fit in a tired popsicle in her mouth fill your mind. Let me offer you some comfort ladies; men don’t care how you look when you’re giving them a blowjob. The only thing he cares about is how his sex pistol is feeing. 

Deep throat loopholes

OK, listen up. Deepthroating has become a trend over the past decade and guesses what? I found a loophole. Lucky For us, all the wet slimy parts in our mouth feel the same, except our teeth, so instead of making your self gag, gently ram the tip of his disco stick into the top of your mouth. The sensational feel the same, and it’ll save you and your gag reflex from acting up. 

His penis is not a king.

So often in movies, we see A man standing statuesque while the woman is on her knees bobbing endlessly. IRL, this is hardly the case. The good news is that you don’t have to invest in those knee pads Becky from 9th grade told you you would. Becky lied. Do us all a favor and just get on the bed, it’ll be way comfier that way.

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You don’t have to act like you like to swallow. 

Never have I ever met anyone Who genuinely enjoys swallowing after a blow job. And ladies, we don’t have to act like we do. Trust me; A man would much rather have you dispose of it on a napkin or other nearby object them fake a swallow. As long as there was a grand finale, I’m giving you permission to count that as a win. 

Use your hands as a backup. 

When your mouth starts to feel a little tired, call in the backup team, your hands. I haven’t measured the inside of my mouth, but I am pretty damn sure there aren’t 5.17 inches of space between my lips and the back of my throat, so Needless to say, I might need a little help. Put the tip in your mouth and your hands around the base and bam! You have a blowjob. 

Don’t psych yourself out. 

The Absolute worst thing you can do while having oral sex is to freak yourself out before it even begins. As long as you have a mouth and your partner has a

Dick, you have everything that you’ll need. There’s no need to freak out. Going into a job stressed will only make it worse for both of you. Happy blowing!

Treat a B.J. as foreplay. 

Although people do seem to love them, it’s not something that begins and ends in a matter of seconds (usually). These things can be a lot of work, from teeth placement to suction, from gag reflex to jaw stress, plus on top of that, you still have to breathe? It is hard work, and we deserve a damn medal for it. Fight me. You can quit literally whenever you want and move onto other sexy indulgences like something you will both enjoy. 

Giving a blow job is hard enough, so we hope these tips helped. What is one tip you’ve never forgotten? Let us know! 

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