Bikram Yoga Is The Hot New Workout Spot In Durham

As we all know spring break is approaching quickly! Are you looking for a workout that gets you hot? If so, Bikram Yoga is for you. I don’t mean just looking hot, but hot in temperature as well! It is certainly a workout. Bikram Yoga just moved to the University of New Hampshire. It is located in downtown Durham on Madbury Road.
This yoga class is not like any other yoga class. First of all if you don’t like the heat, maybe this workout is not for you. If you are hesitant on this workout, I highly suggest you at least try one class. Bikram offers 10 classes for 10 dollars! In the words of Jason, an instructor at Bikram Yoga, in Durham, New Hampshire,
“I believe my greatest strength as a teacher, is helping you to help yourself to learn to love yoga for what it is: magic” -Jason, an instrcutor at Bikram Yoga, Durham, New Hampshire
If you have your doubts about ‘hot’ yoga, venture to take a risk and give the ten dollars, for ten days of unlimited yoga deal, give it a try. It is well worth your time. Now you are probably wondering what exactly Bikram Yoga is and why it isn’t like any other Yoga. The first drastic difference is that you are placed in a hot room ranging from 80-100 degrees. Bikram consists of twenty-six Hatha Yoga postures and two breathing exercises.
You want to be ready for this workout. Bring yourself to class having hydrated with 1-2 liters of water throughout the day. Before you arrive, come on an empty stomach. (Do not eat 2-4 hours prior to class.) You will need to sign a waiver the first time, so arrive 15 minutes early for your first class. You will also need a mat, a big towel to cover your mat and a bottle of water! I imagine you will have an experience you will never forget and that is worthwhile, even if you don’t become an avid yoga enthusiast. Whatever your motive, it is worth a try.
“Never too late, never too old, never too sick to start from scratch once again” – Bikram Choudry.
Five Tips For Your First Class:
1. Bring Water
…Because it will be your best friend in class.
2. Bring A Yoga Mat
(Mats are available to rent.)
3. Bring A Large Towel
…Because believe me, you will need it. (Towels are available to rent.)
4. Wear Minimal Clothing
I thought I could wear a shirt, I was wrong! (Spandex, sports bra, or if you aren’t comfortable with those options some others are; ¾ length yoga pants with a tank top.)
5. Don’t Wear Any Jewelry
…Or you will practically burn yourself, (I learned the hard way.)
Any other great places to work out that UNH student should know about besides Bikram Yoga? Comment below and share this article with a friend!
Featured Image Source: karalang.
Lilly is a writer for the UNH Society19 chapter. She is currently studying Communication and pursuing a Business minor.