10 Big Boob Problems Only Girls With A Large Chest Will Get

Big boob problems are a burden all their own . If you are are in possession of some decent sized melons this list will be all too familiar. Take a look at these 10 things that ladies with lovely large ta-tas know as very day obstacles.
1. Being Too Sexy
Even our modest outfits have those curves that you cannot hide. Out of all of the big boob problems, this one had me the most frustrated as an adolescence trying to love her body but being criticized for being ‘too sexy’. Yeah, ok let me try to limit the amount of boob I have to make you comfortable.
2. Stupid Shirts
They are either too long and wide in order to cover those mountains on it hits us mid drift so its crop top season all year! I have to say that the styles are some what more accommodating, but can someone just make a shirt with some extra room in the tata area?
3. Bras Ugly AF
Did I just go and spend around 70$ on a new bra or raid my Nan’s closest and stole her brazier from WW11? You’ll never be able to guess! Seriously though? Why do cute bras shut down at C cup. The rest of us need some color in our life other then nudes and blacks. This big boob problem makes me wonder if burning your bra in public is still considered a radical protest or if it can be done when you are over your ugly bra.
4. Don’t Run
Like swimming in alligator infested waters, running without a proper means of support (like a straight jacket or corset) can be bad for your health. If you have big boob problems you know exactly what I am talking about. And when you do need to run, like a lion is chasing you, you gotta cup those babies nice and tight with your hands or arms and pray to god you don’t fall because if so you are landing straight on your face. A face plant is preferable to a tit slapping you in the face. Be careful out there ladies.
5. Double Up
When it is time for you to hit the treadmill or do some jumping jacks, you must be prepared. When you have big boob problems you know you have to strap those gals tight so they don’t try to leap for freedom. This means more than one sports bras, because let’s be honest, one hardly keeps your wild ladies in place. So like a fighter getting ready for the big match, you are in the locker room getting ready like the mighty lady you are and putting on those two sports bras because no one needs to see your chi chis flying today!
6. Disproportionate
When the big boob problems has you looking a little top heavy and you don’t have that booty that evens things out a little bit. You look in the mirror and something a little Picaso looks back at you.
7. Reluctant Porn Star
You really can’t help it, but when it is bathing suit no matter how modest you are there is always a hint of porn star. Those big coconuts will not be contained! The big boob problems usually come with some stares and maybe lots of trying in bikini tops to see which ones are up to the task for handling the twins.
8. Zippers and Buttons
Zippers and button tops were not made for those who have large lovely breastage. The buttons hold on with all their might and zippers strain under the pressure. It sucks but most of us well endowed ladies have to say goodbye and zippers and buttons for tops.
9. Bralettes
We look at these and we laugh and laugh.
10. The Burden
Cracking your your neck and back constantly, the divots in your shoulders from your bra straps, and shoulder and lower back pain. The true burden of big boobs so you hauling those big girls all through out life and looking great while doing it. Remember to treat yourself to a massage every once in a while.