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10 Beyonce Songs to Help Mend Your Broken Heart

10 Beyonce Songs to Help Mend Your Broken Heart

These beyonce songs can help you get through anything, but theyre especially helpful while dealing with a broken heart or breakup.

Getting over a breakup can be hard! Dealing with the heartbreak could seem nearly impossible. Lucky for us, we know the cure: ice cream, sad movies, and Beyonce songs! Beyonce always delivers a strong message of female empowerment in her songs whether she is raging, loving, or crying on the track. Her songs help us explore all stages of the grieving process which makes her the ideal candidate for our breakup playlist. Here is a list of 10 Beyonce songs to help mend your broken heart!

1. If I Were a Boy

After a breakup, you start questioning what you did wrong in a relationship. You try to look at things from the perspective of the person who hurt you in an attempt to understand. In this song, Beyonce reverses the roles in a relationship and comes to the conclusion that a man would not like to be treated in the same way he treats women. This is a great song to bump when you need to put things in perspective.

2. Me, Myself, and I

After the hurt, you’ve come to realize that you’ve only got yourself in the end! “Me, Myself, and I” comes off of Beyonce’s first solo album titled Dangerously in Love. It tells the story of a woman who realizes that she could only depend on herself after she finds that the man she is with takes advantage of their love. This anthem still resonated with millions of broken hearts. Sing this out loud a few times and you are sure to feel better in no time!


3. Don’t Hurt Yourself

Now that you’ve realized this, you can be angry! When we say angry, we mean rage. This Beyonce song comes from her outstanding album, Lemonade. With lyrics like “Who the fuck do you think I am?” and “You can watch me bounce to the next dick, boy!”, you’ll be able to vent all of your hurt and frustration in the shower, in the car, or in the comfort of your own bedroom. You’ll be over him in no time! *we are not responsible for any broken lamps or phones in the reenactment of this anthem*

4. Sorry

As you begin to let your feelings for that person go, you get the sense that not thinking about them is the best thing to do. This Beyonce anthem helps you let go of any regrets you might have had in the relationship. Stop feeling guilty! Throw this song on as you head to the club for a fun night of dancing and you’ll forget about them soon enough! Middle fingers up!

5.Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Speaking of clubs, gather all of your single lady friends and dance to this Beyonce song! Celebrate your newfound singledom and get on the road to being happy again. You get bonus points if you can manage to do all the choreography. Being single is nothing to be ashamed of; it is an opportunity to spend some time with yourself, the most important relationship you will ever have!


6. Irreplaceable

When it’s finally time to move on, this song will help you gather the courage to tell him to move out, so you can move on! You’ll be singing “To the left, to the left” all night and feeling empowered after listening to beyonce songs remind you that no person is irreplaceable. It’s time to move on sister!

7. Green Light

If he wants to leave then let him leave. That is the message that Beyonce brings us with this song. Why waste your time on someone who obviously doesn’t want to be with you? Let him go and someone who values you will make their way into your life.

See Also
Summer is for the single! It’s the season when couples are most likely to break up and the summer months are full of opportunities to travel and have fun without any attachment holding you back. So here are 10 songs about being in love to avoid if you’re single AF right now so nothing can harsh your summer party vibes.


8. Ring Off

Throw this song on when you have finally had enough and are ready to love again. The end of one relationship does not mean that you have to swear off love forever. Like Beyonce sings in this song, “Dust yourself off and you love again!” It is the perfect beyonce songs to help you move on!

9. Flawless

Even if you aren’t ready for another relationship or even want another relationship, remind yourself that you are beautiful, powerful, and smart with this feminist anthem! This song is sure to give your self-esteem a boost and it will remind you that you are enough. How did you wake up this morning?

10. Diva

Get back on your grind after a breakup with this catchy tune. No man will are mess with you because you are a hustler and you can take care of your own. He would be lucky if you even glanced his way. This song reminds you to stay focused on you. No breakup is worth the disturbance of your inner peace.


What are your go-to beyonce songs after a breakup? Comment below!

Featured Image: Weheartit