Best Workouts To Achieve Your Dream Body

Exercise is an extremely important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Depending on your body, and your preferences, you might prefer to lift weights, do cardio (run, etc), or use body weight to exercise. Although you can use any of the above to get the body you want, these are certain workouts that will vastly improve your chances of achieving your dream body!
Dumbbell Front Squats
Squats are some of the best exercises you can do, as they burn fat all over your body. Doing front squats not only develops all of your legs (calves, hamstrings, etc), but they increase your balance and resistance. Adding the dumbbell to this workout makes it even more effective; as now, your shoulders, arms, and chest are involved more.
Make sure to go at your own pace and not use weights too heavy, as for this exercise, repetition and consistency is more important than a short burst (end goal is what we’re looking at here). When done properly, dumbbell front squats will help you achieve your dream body faster than you would imagine!
Swimming is not often seen as a workout, but moreĀ of a leisure activity. While it most definitely can be just a fun sport, it is one of the best fat burning and muscle toning activities you can do. Similar to the dumbbell squats, swimming works on your entire body, while also greatly strengthening your heart.
What you need to know though, is that if you want to swim to get toned or lose weight, you need to take it more seriously than if it was just for leisure. The best way to do this is to have timed laps in the pool, and take as little breaks as possible. The more intense you swim, the more your body burns fat, and builds muscle. Also, your legs become absolute monsters during this time.
Before you know it, that dream body that seemed impossible to get, will become a reality!
The deadlift is one of the most popular exercises among fitness enthusiasts. Whether your goal is fat burn or muscle gain, this workout is one you do not want to avoid.
It involves lifting a barbell from the ground up to your waist, and dropping it back down on the ground. You aim to keep your feet shoulder length apart, and maintain good form during the workout (so as to prevent potential injuries). The deadlift makes your back very strong, as well as strengthens your glutes, and hamstrings.
These are all large muscles, so you will notice the changes in them faster thanĀ other parts of your body, keeping you motivated to continue the grind!
The burpee is often the go to body weight exercise for anyone who wants to not only lose weight, but stay in great shape. It’s very heart intensive, as it involves you jumping with your hands in the air, going to the ground, doing a push up, and repeating. One burpee is a quick motion, but after being repeated several times, can quickly cause you fatigue.
It’s a cardio exercise, and works out your entire body, developing your whole arms (biceps, triceps, and forearms) very much during the process (because you’re doing pushups during this exercise as well).
Overall, burpees are an amazing exercise no matter what your dream body looks like right now. Being consistent in the workout will make your heart stronger, and allow you to do multiple of these. Doing them properly will show you results in no time!