10 Best Ways To Organize A Chaotic Life

If life is getting a little out of control and things are starting to slip through your fingers, then it’s time to reassess. Take a breathe, grab a cup of calming tea, and take a look at this list of helpful ways to organize a chaotic life.
1. Organize Your Living Space
If you are in your own apartment or part of a dorm situation, it’s time to make sure that your living space is calming in a way that will help you rather than stress you out. When you get home after a long day you want a space that is instantly relaxing and organizing it will make it more welcoming. Grab plastic bins, sort out old things that can go to goodwill, and make your bed. One of the best ways to organize your life is making sure you have a sanctuary to come home to.
2. Seasonal Packing
A great way to organize your life and living space is packing things away by season. This frees up spaces and places things that you not be needing for a whole season in the back of your closets or bins. Grab a couple of plastic bins and label them for the season and at the beginning of the season pull them out and switch your clothes and necessities out. Getting rid of clutter helps free up your mind and work space.
2. Track Your Finances
It’s adult time everyone. No more running around and pretending like the world will catch you when you mess up finically because, let’s be real, all thats waiting for you with that mind set is debt. Make a finacail plan for yourself and start being aware of what you spend. This is one of the best ways to organize a life that is hurtling towards total destruction. If you either need to pull out cash and use only that to limit yourself or getting yourself on an allowance, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success.
3. Old School Planner
Remember those old planners that you used to get for school? They usually came in all sorts of cool colors and you made sure to write little notes in there. If the calendar on your electronics are too easy to ignore try out an old school paper planner that you need to pull out and look at in order to remember what all needs to be done. There is something about physically writing something down (not typing it) that connects it to your brain and helps you remember. This is an old college trick that probably your older professors used to harass you about, but its a trick that works. This is one of the ways to organize your life when you find things are slipping through the cracks and you are forgetting things all over the place.
4. Make A List
This is a list outside your paper planner. This is a list that you would like to accomplish either in the week or the month. If you would like to add more down time to your crazy schedule, add it to the list. Remember that baby shower that you have to appear at? Write it down. This list should be visible to you during the week to remind you they are coming up so tape it to your bathroom mirror or lamp on your night stand. Just like your planner, it reminds you of what is coming up or what you’d like done.
5. Time To Rest
There is nothing wrong with the hustle. That is how we become kick butt adults that can take on the world. But there is a time to kick butt and there is a time to rest. Even if your schedule is crazy town during the week, make sure you are taking a night off to relax and let your mind chill out. This is one of the best ways to organize your life because when you hustle non stop you are headed for burn out and quarter life crisis. So chill out, cancel plans if you have to, grab some wine and fuzzy socks and do nothing for a couple of hours. There is always tomorrow to hustle.
6. Schedule it out
This seems like a ‘duh’ tip but seriously, get a schedule together and stick with it. Plan out the essentials at the beginning of the week that needs to be done. Block out the times for work and school (don’t forget your chill out night) and all those papers you need to get done. The best way to organize your life is to stick to your schedule you set for yourself. You know what you can handle so plan accordingly.
7. Meal Plan
Just like those jacked gym people that divide and weigh everything they eat in a week, its time to meal plan and meal prep. Take the time to get to the grocery store and cook as much as you can so there is no late night Uber eats fiascos that cost you an arm and leg for a burrito. This way there is (hopefully) healthy food at your reach for when you are in-between crazy time commitments. Make sure you have plenty of meals that you can grab and go as well so there is no need for fast foods. This a great way to organize a crazy life because you will no longer be stressed about eating healthy or having an empty fridge because you have planned your meals out.
8. Restrict Unproductive Time
Whether you are scrolling endless through facebook or watching Friends on tv when you need to be finishing up something for work or school its time to knock that habit off. If you can multitask, turn on the tv and use it as a background noise while you work. But if it’s distracting, turn it off. Your phone is great for a ten minute brain break, but make sure it doesn’t turn into an hour watching the best pets of the week videos. Set a timer if that is helpful. Some of the bests ways to organize your life is to simply be aware of how you spend your time.
9. ‘Flexture’
This is a made up word combing flexibility and structure. Basically what it means is that you have a plan in the beginning of the week but you are able to adapt when things come along and derails you’re well thought out schedule. When something comes up and messes up that schedule, you need to be able to move things around in order to get things done. Remember, its always good to have a plan but be ok when things get messed up. This is great way to organize a chaotic brain. Always schedule but be ready for life to come along and throw you a curve ball.
10. Talk and Clean
If you are a phone talker, next time you get a call from your best friend that you will know is going to last for at least an hour, start cleaning. This is a great tactic to multitask and setting that time when you would just be sitting on the couch to actually doing something constructive. So give your friend call and grab out your cleaning supplies. One of the best ways to organize your chaotic life is trying to multitask.