Best Ways to Enjoy Outdoor Summer Concerts

Soaking up the sun at summer concerts in the middle of California heat is great but can also be brutal! If you are an avid concert goer during the summer, you need to be prepared. Dehydration, exhaustion, and sun poisoning are all real issues during the hottest time of the year. So, here are a few tips on how to make the most of the outdoor summer concerts, without getting heatstroke.
Drink Water
Now, this may seem like an obvious thing to do, especially in the sun. However, during summer concerts, people often drink beer or cocktails while enjoying the music, which can have negative effects if not counteracted with enough H2O. Many outdoor concerts have tents set up to serve alcoholic beverages throughout the day, and many venues won’t allow you to bring in filled water bottles anymore because of the risk of people bringing in clear liquor. So, how do you make sure to stay hydrated at outdoor summer concerts?
First, bring extra cash for water bottles from the venue. Yes, they will be overpriced, but at least you won’t pass out from dehydration and get carted off to the first aid area!
Second, if you want to skip paying $5 a pop for something that you could find for 99 cents at 7-11, then check the venue’s website to see if they allow empty reusable bottles in the venue. Most venues will have a list on their website of what you can bring in with you, like small backpacks, certain food items, and some will allow reusable bottles that can be refilled throughout the day as long as they are empty when you walk in.
*P.S. Many outdoor venues allow you to fill up bottles at any bar area, so it’s still free, and some even have designated water filling stations!
Bring Sunscreen
I can not stress this one enough. I can’t count the amount of times I have seen people settle into their spot on the grass only to have their backs look lobster red by the end of the day. Not only is this extremely bad for your skin, but it also can lead to sun poisoning and nausea. The last thing you want is to get sunburned and have to bathe in aloe vera for the week after every summer concert. So, make sure to bring some with you and reapply throughout the day. Every time you sweat, your body washes some of it off. When in the sun all day, you will have to keep reapplying to make sure that you are actually getting the protection.
Tip: Many places don’t allow aerosol spray canned sunscreens anymore, so make sure to check the website to see if you can bring it in. If not, you may have to get a lotion that you rub on. It may take a little more work, but it’s better than getting fried!
Take Breaks
It may seem like there is so much to do that you don’t have time to take a break. I am definitely guilty of breaking this rule! If you have a list of bands you want to see, plus some merchandise from the bands you like that you want to buy, and having to wait in line for food and drinks it can feel like you can’t take a break without missing something. Good news, this isn’t true, if you prepare.
If you have been jumping around for a few bands in a row and need a little break, then get some water and stay out of the sun for a while. There is always some time between sets, so plan wisely, and you won’t have to miss anyone you came to see. Plus, you will be cool and rested, and ready to get back in the action when a favorite band of yours plays.
Many California outdoor summer concert venues prepare for the heat so there may be cool down tents for people to sit in the shade. Like I mentioned earlier, some have water stations so you will always have access to cold water. Take advantage of both, and make sure your outdoor summer concert ends as good as it starts. Or, bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit or lay down on whenever you need a quick break but don’t want to get up!
Enjoy Yourself
This may sound cheesy, but keeping this mindset of “I’m here to have fun” can really make or break your day. Summer outdoor concerts always come with certain restrictions that aren’t the most fun thing to deal with, like porta-potties in the heat, and long lines for food and drinks. But, knowing that these come with the territory and brushing them off can give your day an extra positive vibe.
Not all venues will have bathrooms so you may have to use a porta-potty once or twice throughout the day. But, even for the biggest germaphobe, this isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Plus, if you bring in some hand sanitizer and body spray and it’s not so bad!
Lines are inevitable at big events, so realize that before you go. We’ve all seen the people that piss and moan the entire time about how there are so many people, the lines are ridiculous, and if someone accidentally brushes by them in a crowd they feel personally attacked. Well, there are hundreds of people together in one place, you have to get over that. But, if you are someone that has a hard time with this, you just have to remember that everyone is there for the same reason as you; to have fun and enjoy the music! So don’t let the little things ruin what could be a great summer outdoor concert.