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The 15 Best TV Shows To Binge Watch Right Now

The 15 Best TV Shows To Binge Watch Right Now

The 15 Best TV Shows To Binge Watch Right Now

With all of the stress that college impends on us students, it’s essential to take a few Netflix and ice cream breaks before finals start to kick in. If you’re looking for a new (or an old) show to watch on TV or on Netflix, you’ve come to the right place! These are 15 of the best TV shows that you should be binge watching right now!

1. 13 Reasons Why

I know it’s almost brutal to watch and may tear your heart out, but it will 110% change your life. It’s also among all of the talk of teens and college students right now so keep up!

2. Shameless

This one is definitely on the other end of the spectrum compared to number one with its extremely crude nature and humor, but for some reason you still won’t be able to give it up.


3. The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story

This one addresses a ton of social issues from the African American community to women’s rights. This show is full of drama and conflict that will keep you engaged and dying to see the ending.

4. Pretty Little Liars

This week marks the start of the last season. Yes you heard me- after years of convoluted plots and sketchy characters the show will finally be making some amends! A must see to satisfy all of those questions we’ve had since season 1.

5. Stranger Things

If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend getting on the Stranger Things bandwagon. Season two is set to be released on Netflix this October and it’s bound to be a good one.


6. Parenthood

Just keep a box of tissues nearby as you cruise through this emotional drama series.

7. Nashville

Even if you’re not into country music, there’s enough drama in this show to keep you on your toes.


8. Gossip Girl

An oldie but a goodie. At least give it a shot so you know where all of these Chuck Bass memes on twitter come from.

9. The Office

Again, give it a shot so you, too, can participate in obsessing over the love of Pam and Jim.

10. Parks and Rec

Probably the best comedy option on this list and Netflix.


11. The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

Hear me out on this next one. I spent my summer going through it and it definitely gives you a different perspective if you watch it as a college student vs. a high school student since it’s crammed with tons of social issues that teens face.

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12. Gilmore Girls

This show just warms your heart. Definitely family-friendly as well. Your mom would like it.

13. NCIS

Low-key judging you if you can’t appreciate a good criminal justice series.

14. Friends

Classic. A must-watch to be accepted in society. Basically an adult write-of-passage.


15. Friday Night Lights

Set in the heart of Texas with a mix of romance and drama, it appeals to guys and girls. Also very heartwarming; 10/10 would recommend.

What do you think are some of the best TV shows to watch? Let us know in the comments!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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