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9 Best Tips To Get Clearer Skin

9 Best Tips To Get Clearer Skin

We all want perfect, glowing skin that never breaks out, right? Well sometimes that is seriously impossible, and out of your control. But there are some things that you can control. Here are my nine most realistic tips to get clearer skin. 

1. Wash Your Face

This step is crucial to getting clearer skin! If you don’t wash your face every day, your skin will be much more prone to breakouts. And using a makeup wipe to take off your makeup is not enough! You must wash your face with a good facial cleanser. Try to get in the habit of washing your face both morning and night. Your pores will thank you.


2. Wear Less Makeup

This is one of the best ways to clear up your skin! I know it may seem daunting going bare-faced, but it will let your skin breathe. I try to go makeup-free at least two days a week and it has helped my skin so much. I break out less and have an overall more even skin. And during these two days, I try to give my skin a reboot, like doing masks, using toner, serums, etc. 

3. Face Masks

Not only are face masks a fun activity to do with friends, but they help you achieve clearer skin! I like to do a face mask before bed and while I’m watching tv or reading. It’s so relaxing and makes your skin feel squeaky clean and new. There are all different kinds of masks to choose from like charcoal, green tea, rose petal, and avocado. Skin goals!


4. Eat Your Fruits And Veggies

I know your parents told you to eat your fruits and veggies when you were little, but it’s just as important now! Not only do fruits and veggies do wonders for your energy and health, but they make your skin glow and prevent breakouts. Please, just incorporate them into your regular diet, and you will see results. Drink a healthy fruit smoothie for breakfast and eat a healthy salad for lunch. It’s so easy!


5. Drink Lots Of Water

Drinking water is so important to getting clear skin! Try to drink at least seven glasses of water per day. Investing in a water bottle that can track how much water you drink is super helpful. Your skin will look extra hydrated and it will help remove harmful toxins that are floating around in your body.

6. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your skin is a must for getting beautiful, clear skin. Don’t do it too much because it could be harsh on your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Exfoliate maybe once a week, and this will help clear your pores and make your skin feel super smooth. Make sure to invest in a nice exfoliator to get the best results.

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7. Moisturize 

Moisturizing your skin is so essential to getting the skin of your dreams. It leaves your skin feeling hydrated and smooth. Try to use moisturizer day and night, and make sure your daytime moisturizer has SPF. Gotta protect your skin from harmful UV rays!


8. Facial Serums

Facial serums are great for giving your skin that extra glow and radiance. I love using the overnight glow serum from Pixi before I go to bed. I wake up with glowing skin before I’ve even started my morning skin routine. But there are all different types of facial serums, depending on your desired function. If you do your research, you really can’t go wrong.

9. Facial Toner For Clearer Skin

Facial toner is great for achieving an overall even skin tone, with minimal redness. I know my cheeks are prone to getting splotchy and red when my skin gets irritated, so toner is my saving grace. Use toner day and night before you moisturize or put on serums. I like the Thayer’s witch hazel facial toner in lavender or cucumber. 


That’s all my advice for you guys! I hope you learned a little something about how to get beautifully clear skin. Let us know in the comments which of these you are excited to incorporate into your daily routine. Cheers to clear skin!

Featured Image Source: @undergroundwork