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Best Tips For Keeping Your Plants Alive

Best Tips For Keeping Your Plants Alive

Best Tips For Keeping Your Plants Alive

If you’re looking for the best tips for keeping your plants alive, either for plants and flowers you already have or are considering buying, there are some key things you should consider for optimal success. These are some great tips to help you grow and thrive as a plant owner for beautiful, healthy plants you will enjoy looking at and having for a long while.

Before Buying

Plants are a minor but serious endeavor that deserves your commitment and dedication. Make sure that you are able to properly and regularly care for the plant before you bring it home. A key tip for keeping your plants alive is to make sure you are serious about the life you are considering caring for before you have already committed to it and brought it home. They are a beautiful and worthwhile but serious responsibility.

For You

If you’ve ever struggled having plants or have debated whether or not you are able to take on the responsibility, consider what kind or kinds of plants and/or flowers you most enjoy. You will be more invested in and thus successful with a plant if you have chosen one that you think is really beautiful and is colorful in a color or colors you like. 


Another thing to consider is if the plant or plants you have chosen are suited for any allergies you may have and any other people or animals you are living with. You should have plants that any other people you’re living with will also enjoy and be encouraged to care for. If you have any pets, also make sure the plants are not toxic in any way and if needed are able to be placed out of their reach.


Another tip to keeping your plants alive is to consider the types you are able to keep alive where you live. Don’t have a plant that is unreasonable for the temperatures you usually experience such as a plant that does best in cold climates if you are living in a more hot and/or humid area or vice versa. Don’t get a plant you are unable to give what it needs with regard to heat or cold on a regular basis.

If you decide you really want a particular type of plant that has special requirements that may not come as easily or naturally in your environment, you can still make it work. Determine the conditions it needs and adjust your lifestyle and living space to its needs. These things can be done with determination and determining the right equipment for success.



Be mindful of the amount of space your plant needs. If you are still in the shopping phase, are you able to give the desired plant the amount of space it needs? Buy a plant based on it being a reasonable choice for what you are able or willing to provide for it spatially.

If you already have a plant, know your plant. Determine how much space your plant needs and see how you are best able to provide that. What places in your home are best suited to their spatial needs? Moving things around or rearranging a room in your home you feel is a place best suited for the plant is a great tip for keeping your plants alive and thriving.


How much sunlight does your plant need? Learn the amount of average daily sunlight your plant needs and provide that either naturally or with space adjustment. Over- and underexposure to sunlight is a large killer of plant life and is easily enough done without proper adherence to your plant’s individual needs. Make sure if you have multiple plants, they are each in their correct environment with regard to sunlight. 


Another best tip for keeping your plants alive is to rotate your plant or plants with regard to sun exposure. This provides optimal growth that is consistent all around the plant. This also ensures that each part, leaf, and stem of your plant is getting all the attention and sunlight it needs. When all parts of the plant are giving equal opportunity for exposure and growth, they are less likely to have overexposed parts, to grow awkwardly or in undesired ways, or to be damaged by unbalanced weight.

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Plant Food

Different plant food types is another great tip for keeping your plants alive and there are many variations to try. A standard plant soil base in your pot or plant holder is ideal, but there are many additions and mixtures you should experiment with as well that have been shown to be quite successful. You can try some coffee grounds with regard to access. Some coffee shops allow you to have some, or if you are a regular coffee drinker, you can recycle used grounds in this way. 


There are also some plant nutrient bags and mineral packets that can also give your plants an added boost of helpful nutrients, especially in the event of replanting or transport. These should be used only occasionally and not daily so as not to produce overstimulation. Mixing different types of soil together as well as with occasional mineral packets can be ideal for providing your plants with every nutrient and growth stimulus available to help them thrive. 


If you ever travel for any length of time longer than approximately one full day, you should make proper arrangements for the care of your plants. Don’t risk coming back home from a vacation to a withered, dry, and lifeless plant. You will have to start all over with a whole new plant and any love and time given toward the old plant will be for not.


The number one best tip for keeping your plants alive is really the most simple. You must water your plant regularly and with consideration for their individual water needs as with space and sunlight. Lack of sufficient water will kill your plant just as fast as overexposure to sunlight. Determine as close as you can how much water each plant needs for its type so you don’t overwater and create mold or rot as overwatering can be just as harmful as not enough water.


Each tip for keeping your plants alive will give your plants what they need with regard to the environment, sunlight, food, attention, and water. Your plants will be beautiful and a true testament to your abilities as a nurturer and carer. Let us know in the comments what you thought of these best tips for keeping your plants alive and what things have worked for you!