Categories: Love Life

Best Things To Do With Your Partner

You sit in your apartment, alone in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal in your underwear. The only light source is coming from the partially opened fridge. It’s 3 o’clock in the morning, and you conclude that you want to have a life partner. After putting the partially warmed milk away, you consider the continuous hype around being in a relationship and falling in love. You want that for yourself, so you decide to join a dating app and find your one true love the next day.

Let’s take a minute and jump forward a couple months. If you are lucky, it might even be a year when you start to tumble out of the honeymoon stage. The things you used to think were adorable about your partner now drive you up a wall. You are five seconds away from killing them or pulling your hair out. Hopefully, this is an exaggeration, but you never know. With this realization, it has come to your attention that something needs to change. Going to couples therapy or rejuvenating your once lively relationship has become a priority that your partner will likely be forced to jump on board with. With that in mind, here are the best things to do with your partner.

Consider That First Date

Assuming you didn’t meet on tinder and rush through a quick bang sesh and move on with your life, it is likely that you went out on a date. Then perhaps you went on another date. You continuously spent time and energy getting to know one another by going out and participating in whatever activities you chose. What often happens in relationships over long periods of time is you settle. You settle on a routine or work, eat, sleep. Your partner has time with you but maybe not as often as they did when you were dating, or maybe you just Netflix and chill when you are together. The point is, they are bored, and you are likely bored too. Dating is exciting and fun. It brings those butterflies out. The best thing to do with your partner is to go out and explore. Found those places that are on your bucket list and incorporate that into your routine.

Behold the Bucket List

This article should make you focus on yourself and your partner equally. Create some type of bucket list with the common theme of doing things together. While this is meant for your partner and yourself, you can make this list with just about anyone. Creating bucket lists with your close friends, siblings, or parents will strengthen any relationship. When creating this list, don’t just make it and toss it in the shit drawer. Set dates to actually do the things on both of your lists. I suggest incorporating activities once a month. While I could go on about fun things to do with your partner, they should be specific to you and what you enjoy. I’ll give you some ideas later but don’t feel the need to only rely on those. Think of your best memories and moments and base your bucket list on that.

Slay Style

While each thing on your bucket list will require different settings, attire, and time, don’t be afraid to do those adorable dinner dates. Pick a restaurant you have always wanted to go to. If you are trying to keep costs low, don’t go to a steakhouse but somewhere affordable. Dressing up for these events can be really fun too. Just because you go chill at a chipotle doesn’t mean you can’t slay your style. If you do choose to go somewhere boujee, level up what you would typically wear. Don’t fall into the same old pattern of sweatpants and a T-shirt when you see your partner. Present yourself as your best. It may seem overrated, but again, the idea is to push out of your regular routine.

Relationships Die in Comfort Zones

If you are one of those people who doesn’t ever want to leave the house and your partner isn’t the exact same way, you might as well just break up now. Push yourself to get outside your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to go skydive, rock climb, sing karaoke, or run around like a crazy person in Target. You might look like an idiot for a time, but these memories will recreate a relationship you might have once considered dead. That being said, if you are a major homebody and you don’t ever want to leave the couch, find someone that loves the couch just as much as you do. Those relationships can work as long as you are both happily content doing so.

See Also

Find Balance

There is a time and place for extreme behavior with your partner. Doing anything crazy can be tons of fun and make you both feel alive. There are other times when popcorn, a weighted blanket, and a movie are all you need together. Don’t forget to find the balance that works for both of you. Chill days at home can still be really special. Making pancakes in the morning for one another and decorating faces on them to give to the other person is a great way to still be in a calm environment while having fun. If it is something neither of you has done before, give it a shot. Don’t let that 9 to 5 routine hold you down.

There are tons of ways to get out of your comfort zone and feel amazing with your partner. Push yourselves equally to change the relationship dynamics. Go out and drink too much, spend time with family and friends, eat different foods, and go to new places. Don’t let your relationship die in a comfort zone. That being said, if your relationship is your comfort zone, is it time to re-evaluate? Society is structured in a way to oppress individuals. We have been told our entire lives that success is defined by our bank account and job title. Is that how you want to live your life? Do you think your last memory on your death bed will be I had a great number in my bank account all the way through? My advice… do not forget to live.

What are the best things you have done with your partner?
Kaylee Dellert

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