The 20 Best Things To Do When You’re Bored At Home

Well quarantine and staying indoors still has a hold on us and while things are slowly starting to open back up and we can see people while remaining socially distant, there is still little we can do with the limited freedom. This most likely puts us back at square one with staying inside and finding ways to entertain ourselves in healthy and safe environments. You may be wondering from day to day, “What can I do that is entertaining and productive inside that I have not already been doing for the past five months?” Well, we have got the fix. Read on for some new tips, tricks and activities you can do that will get you off your couch, make you smile and make you feel like you have accomplished something for the day.
Organize Your Closet
This may be an unappealing task to some but you can make it a fun activity by color coordinating your clothes, grouping jacket, crop tops or pants, organizing your shoes by style, etc. Organizing your closet is also the best way to start a new chapter in your life because it gives something fresh to wake up to and is sort of like a metaphor for a clean slate.
Put Outfits Together
If you are into fashion, you already know this is the best therapy. Bring out some of your favorite items from the closet – a few blazers, some killer shoes, some pretty dresses and your favorite pair of hoops to mix and match pieces. Throw on some of your favorite music and put on a little fashion show for yourself in front of the mirror.
Try Out Some New Makeup Looks
For others, trying out new makeup looks may be their form of therapy. TikTok is loaded these days with new makeup tricks and hacks that everyone can try out in a few simple steps. So, gather that colorful eyeshadow palette you have always wanted to break out and some makeup brushes to go crazy with a look you have never tried before.
Make a DIY Craft
There are so many DIY craft instructions all over the internet and especially on Pinterest where you can find how to make your own jewelry box, summer beach towel, university crop top, you want it, it’s there.
Cook Some New Recipes
While still cramped up inside during quarantine, this time is the perfect opportunity to sharpen your cooking skills and make a nice homemade meal for your family. Look up simple cooking recipes online if you are a newbie and work your way up to more advanced recipes. There are also many food delivery services out there like HelloFresh that will pre-measure your ingredients for you depending on the number of people you are cooking for and will send you amazing recipes each week right to your door!
Start a Garden
If you happen to have a backyard and are searching for ways to spend more time outside, starting a garden is the perfect summer activity that will keep you productive, give you something pretty to look and provide some delicious ingredients for your homemade meals.
Create a Mood Board
The world is all about manifestation right now. What happens after all the madness will come from what energy you give yourself to. Creating a mood board, whether that be an electronic one or a group of photos you put together on a bulletin board. If it is your dream to move to Paris, for example, cut out some pictures that you find in a magazine, put them on your mood board and one day, those dreams may come true.
Watch a Black Lives Matter Documentary
Now and forever is the time to be better educating ourselves on issues that are very critical in this country. There are many documentaries on the internet and Netflix that you can find that will challenge you and help you learn more about the movement!
Practice Your Calligraphy
As you may have seen trending on the internet, calligraphy is all the rage right now and you can often stumble upon tutorials for writing out the most beautiful handwriting in curly fonts. If art is your thing, you might consider picking up some colorful pens or markers and write your long distance friends a card!
Journaling is a go-to form of meditation for many people because it allows people to get their thoughts and emotions down on paper without bottling them all up. You can journal about the positive parts of your day and the not-so-good parts too.
Try an At-Home Workout
While many gyms still remain closed, now is the time to put those Instagram TV and YouTube workouts to use. Roll out your yoga mat, grab some dumbbells and get those abs toned!
This may sound like a drag but when are you going to have hours on your hands again with nowhere to go and little responsibility? Clean one room at a time so you don’t overwhelm yourself and sooner than later your whole house will be cleaned.
Read a Book
Reading a book does not always mean a boring history book. Take your time browsing Amazon for a fiction, poetry book, biography or lesson book that you will thoroughly enjoy. You will begin to realize how nice it is to sit down, relax and enjoy a really good book.
Film a TikTok
As we are all discovering, it is pretty easy to get lost in TikTok for hours nowadays. So why not not hop on board with the trend and make one of your own? The app allows you to do voice overs, dances and really anything you like!
FaceTime Your Friends
We are all missing our friends during quarantine season and especially those we cannot travel to. Enter in FaceTime. Use it at least once a day, it will lift your spirits instantly.
Redecorate Your Room
Redecorating your room can be a fun activity if you want to switch up your vibe and are not exactly sure where to start. Look into vintage store or antique stores to look for some fun new decor and donate anything you do not want in your room to charity!
Collect Things to Donate to Charity
This goes hand in hand with cleaning out and redecorating your room but someone else might have the same idea to decorate their room and could use the things you do not want.
Get Some Vitamin D
Simply just sitting outside and getting some sun is a great way to get some energy and make your body feel good. Lay down a towel on the grass or relax on a lounge chair with a good book or some music.
Try Out an Adult Coloring Book
Adult coloring books are a great way to pass time and bring some peace and relaxation to your day. Many people find this activity very therapeutic.
Have a Game Night With Your Family
When are you going to have as much time on your hands as you do now with your family? Take advantage of having nothing to do and spend some quality time with your family.