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Best Things To Do For Your Birthday During Coronavirus Time

Best Things To Do For Your Birthday During Coronavirus Time

The world has fallen on hard times with the various quarantines from the Coronavirus around the globe. If you have a birthday, this could put a major strain on your plans. It could put a strain on the people involved. That is such a bummer. But, I’m here to bring you the best birthday ideas whilst working around the wretched Coronavirus quarantines!

Keep in mind, most of these will require an online device of some sort.

1. Live Stream Jackbox Party Games

If you don’t know what streaming is, it’s a live transmission of an event over the Internet. It sounds rather difficult to set up if you don’t know much about computers. But, I promise, it’s really not that difficult. Believe me, I’ve had to teach my grandparents how to use Facebook. Now that was hard. Don’t worry, I’ll take you through the steps later.


I was not overly specific here for no reason here. All of the jackbox games are unique in the way that they are designed. Instead of each person needing to purchase the game to participate in playing, only one person needs to have it. There are no gaming controllers needed, either! All you need to play is your phone, tablet, or laptop. 

Now, there are several ways to stream the Jackbox games. But I’m going to stick with the main two, with the links to their downloads separating them.

Download Discord:


1. Join a  voice channel in your server

2. Press the  Go Live streaming icon in the voice status panel (near the bottom left corner) and a new window will pop out

3. Select an individual application window to share, or select an entire screen to share


4. Press the “Go Live” button at the bottom of the window when you are ready to share your stream

5. To start a screen share, join a voice channel in your server. Once you’ve joined the voice channel, you will then see the  Go Live button in the voice status panel.

6. Now a panel will pop up where you can select an individual application window to share (in the Applications option, or you can choose to share your entire screen (by clicking on the Screens option). 


7. Once you’ve decided which screen to share, press the Go Live button to confirm and start sharing! If you change your mind on which screen you’d like the share, you can directly switch the screen that is being shared while streaming from the Go Live panel.

– You can share your screen and broadcast with Go Live on the desktop client for Windows, Mac, and Linux!  
– If you are on mobile, you’ll only be able to join and watch a stream! (There is sadly no broadcasting available through the mobile app!

Download Skype


1. On desktop and web- Select the screen sharing button. (Screen sharing with Skype for Web is only available on Chrome)

2. If you’re using Skype on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina), Skype requires access to Screen recording in the Mac System Preferences to share your screen during a call. You will either get a Skype notification directing you to Settings, or you will need to grant Skype access for Screen Recording in macOS Catalina System Preferences. Please go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Screen Recording, and grant access to Skype.

3. On Android – Tap the more  button then the screen sharing  button. 


4. On iPhone and iPad – Tap the more  button then the screen sharing  button. In the confirmation window, select Skype then Start Broadcasting. 

2. Play A Life-Sized Board Game

Tabletop games are no longer destined for rainy afternoons, or in this case, Coronavirus quarantine. As time has progressed, so have the family classics that have now found themselves out in the open air and sunshine. Whether they are for a gathering, holidays, or outdoor events, there is a giant yard game for all and every occasion.


Oversized games are fun to play and sure to be a hit among your guests, friends, and family members. They’re perfect for birthday parties, family reunions, and tailgating.

You can easily purchase a premade one online, but if you’re more into DIY, this is the time to really let your creativity flourish with your own designs! If you take it one step further, you can easily just make up your own giant game entirely!


3. Spa Day

There’s nothing more luxurious and relaxing than a trip to the spa. Experiencing a massage after a stressful time, or treating yourself to a facial before a big event, spa treatments are a luxury that many of us love to indulge in.

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It goes without saying that visiting a spa is a fantastic way to relax and de-stress. A visit to the spa offers a great opportunity to separate yourself from life’s everyday stressors and have some precious ‘me time’. Allowing yourself this time to wind down and relax has so many additional benefits, such as a clear mind and increased productivity once you leave your treatment!


But since we’re on Coronavirus quarantine, we can’t exactly visit an actual spa. But, you can easily have a spa day at home! Click here to see how!

4. Baking Your Own Cake

What is it about baking that is so intensely satisfying? People can enjoy cooking in general, but when they make savory dishes, it’s primarily for the sake of eating them. They love to eat what they bake, too, but the desire to do it is often less motivated by the result than by the process itself.


People who love baking really love baking. For them, the perfect birthday or regular Saturday involves whipping together a cake; To them, a really awesome standing mixer represents the pinnacle of material possessions. For bakers, baking is more than a simple means to an end—it’s a way of life.

Unlike other types of cooking, baking doesn’t require a lot of skill or intuition. If you have a good recipe, you follow it, and the deliciousness just sort of happens. Everyone thinks you’re a genius, but really you just know how to read and follow orders.


5. Picnic In The Backyard

Because you can’t leave the confinement of your home because of the Coronavirus, it doesn’t mean you can’t bend the rules a bit. You can easily go into your backyard and have a boisterous birthday bash with your family within your own backyard. Combined with some of the other points within this article, your birthday wish for the perfect party with your family and avoiding the Coronavirus will come true.

In today’s busy and active world, quality time with family is often overlooked, but picnics can be helpful in making up for some of this lost time.

Spending time together benefits everyone by providing love, and a sense of belonging. Taking time to talk with your family is a great way to connect with them and learn from each other. Regular communication can also give family members chances to plan other fun and engaging activities.


Fun games and little competitions are great ways to keep everyone occupied whilst having a great time together.

What did you think of this list? Did you think of something else for your birthday party? Feel free to comment below!

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