The Best Things About Living With Your Sorority Sisters

So you live in a sorority house. Some may think you’re crazy to live in a house with 30 other girls, but you know you wouldn’t want things any other way. After all look at all the things you get to enjoy that you wouldn’t if you lived in a dorm! Here are the best things about living with your sorority sisters.
1. Makeup
Living in a house with several other girls can have its perks. One being that you will never have to learn how to do winged eyeliner. If you are cosmetically challenged you can probably bet that someone in the house is skilled with a pen (eye pen that is).
2. Your sisters will save you from boredom
If you are ever looking for a distraction from work, you won’t have to look further than outside your bedroom door. There will always be sisters who are willing to rant about the latest Grey’s episode or make DIYÂ face masks from recipes you got off Pinterest.
3. Personal chauffeurs
Running late to your 8:30? One of your sisters will probably be willing to drive you, with the promise of Starbucks of course. But let’s not forget about late night fast food runs. There is always a sister who will pilot your trip to Taco Bell.
4. Free therapy
Probably the most important, your sisters will be the ones to get you through your hardest times and your darkest days. No one will be there to pick you up the same way that your sisters will.