Best Studying Apps You Should Have On Your iPad This Semester

When it comes to studying technology can be a curse or a blessing depending on how you use it. If you’re someone who finds themselves leading a more tech oriented life consider the studying apps below. While most universities do have academic systems that have apps of their own these are outside apps that can be life savers. They were designed to help make your life easier when it comes to studying. They are meant to help you pass your classes with flying colors. The studying apps below were created to make your life easier.
This app is incredible because it will allow you to keep all of your notes in one place, your iPad. Although it is technically just a note taking app it’s also so much more. You can upload scanned documents and photos into the pages. You can also create folders or notebooks so that way you’ll always be organized. While writing things down on an actual piece of paper is smart too this will help if you’re looking to go paperless or have more control over your notes. Plus there is a variety of different pens and highlighters you can use to make your notes extra detailed. From there because it is all digitized you can search for keywords so that way you will never find yourself struggling to remember which day you wrote about a specific topic. This is truly one of the best studying apps out there.that is well worth the price.
Similar to GoodNotes this studying app will help you get detailed when taking notes. For instance if you’re needing to fill out a document or color in a diagram you’ll want to use Procreate. You can upload images and from there you have all of the art tools you would ever possibly need. While this may not help you pass a math exam it can be wonderful for someone in a science class. Or even for someone working on a larger, creative project. This app does cost money but it’s worth the one time purchasing fee.
Google Drive
This studying app suggestion is a no brainer. Depending on what sort of computer you’re working on or the ones the schools have this studying app can be the difference between having everything you need and not. Plus not only are you creating an abundance of ways to utilize different materials you are also allowing the possibility of studying with other students. You can share notes, study guides and more through using Google Drive. This is a studying app you’ll want.
This is a studying app that will let you upload class materials. Not only can you upload your own notes, flashcards and study guides you will be able to view items other students have uploaded to the apps. Now this is meant for studying, so don’t expect to find any essays on here. Instead this is a great opportunity to review how others study and possibly take a few tips and tricks from them. Another nice thing about this studying app is that it’s designed to be used on your computer, phone and tablet. Meaning you’ll be able to study regardless of what you have access to at that moment. It even might be able to connect to certain textbooks.
You might be wondering why this is on here but this is one of those studying apps that is designed to help destress students. Studying can be stressful and headspace is a great way to take a break and find your center. This app features guided meditations, animation and words of encouragement. It’s important as a student to take care of your mental health because a steady mind will make for better grades.