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8 Sex Bloggers That’ll Change The Way You Think About Sex

8 Sex Bloggers That’ll Change The Way You Think About Sex

Check out these top sex bloggers that will definitely change the way you think about sex, sexual health, sex toys and your sex life.

We can look at sex in different ways. As a mutual or solo activity, an explorative adventure, a learning experience, and as an act of love. But what can really help us interpret our own sexual endeavors are the stories we hear other people tell. Like brainstorming, cross-referencing sexual experiences can help us understand things in ways we might not have been able to on our own. Sex is a real and actual thing. A lot of people either do or don’t do it. And we can talk and learn about it just by searching the web. Do you have a favorite blogger or vlogger that changes the way you think about sex? If not, here are 8 sex blogs you can borrow! Be enlightened! These are some of the top types of sex bloggers.

College Humor – /Tag/Sex/

College Humor’s blog about sex is both enlightening and entertaining. If you want to laugh about ridiculous sex stories while having those “hmm. That’s crazy. I would never deal with that” moments, then College Humor is where you can go. The blog title Everyone’s Going Days Without Sex And It’s Taking a Toll is a hilarious one. It follows the twitter story Day (your number of days) without sex. People account their experiences whilst being celibate, and what crazy things they’re starting to do because they’ve been missing out. This article shows just how natural and necessary sex is! Without it we kind of get weird tendencies that show we’re in need, like spitting on a popsicle before putting it in our mouth 😂. Of course this doesn’t mean that we should or that we have to have sex. We’re entitled to our decisions, we’ll just have to deal with those emotions that follow. Which brings up another article on College Humor, 10 Proud Virgins Who Will Defend Their Chastity With Honor. On this one, you hear some stories about people who are virgins and don’t care what stereotypes may be out there. Another good lesson and understanding, don’t make fun of virgins, they’re just respecting themselves on another level. So, with this blog you can think about sex preferences and standards, get a great laugh, and learn a thing or two about respecting others.


A diverse sex positive blog that covers topics from sexual health and protection to explorative pleasures. If you’re looking to learn from real-world happenings then you can come here and be enlightened. Definitely a NSFW blog, as there are sex toys all over the screen. So use with precaution. The story, 5 Things We Learned Listening to Other People’s Orgasms, is a female self-pleasure research explaining that there is no wrong way to get off. It offers support for women who masturbate. The orgasm library also helps us understand how to get to a finish, just what it takes, how it’s diverse for many women, as well as the differences between self-pleasure and being pleased by someone else. It was also a social project covering the cultural distinctions of women. To enter submissions to the library, you had to provide data such as location. The recordings were otherwise private. The outcome of this was learning what cultures of women prefer noisier activity and which are more concerned with their neighbors. An interesting measure and learning experience. Moreover, If you become a pro self-pleaser than you can probably encourage your partner to perform a thing or two to make coupled experiences more memorable.

The STD Project

Thoughts about sex aren’t only about pleasure. They’re also about safety and health, and one sex blog that’s dedicated to this topic (to the fullest) is The STD Project. If this blog does anything, it will make you aware. Keep in mind there’s no judgement when it comes to sexual preferences, all we claim is that you don’t afflict yourself or anyone else in the process. You can find stories based on experience as well as professional advice on health concerns with sexually transmitted diseases, and even a picture gallery if you need to identify something your unsure of. A most recent article Herpes, Dating Apps & Hookups, will help you understand and identify the sometimes unseen infection, Herpes. The connection to dating apps explained – the rush of dating via apps sometimes doesn’t allow for carefulness. Could be a conspiracy… or not. Either way the warnings are out there. Explore, but explore with caution. This is another one of the top sex bloggers.

Venus O’hara

Venus O’hara, sex positive female blogger, covers some hawt topics on sex… A high achieving novelist, author, and publisher who followed her dreams, tells the stories of women’s pleasures (a lot of them hers) and has been greatly awarded for it. With anti-feminist issues as an inspiration to promote female sexuality, she has published so much and because I cannot do her justice I will say that I’ll only discuss her Fetish Glossary in part, in this article. Her Fetish Glossary depicts and explains over 50 itemized fetishes. Here are some that may make you tingle:

Bondage – in many forms

Bra Fetish – looking at bras from a different P.O.V. and for a whole other use

Wet Clothes Fetish – being able to see through

Vegan Fetish – cooperation between two healthy-bodied individuals

Zumio (a product review) – clitoral (and other area) stimulator

Knee-length Socks Fetish – O’hara’s first blog post in the Glossary

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Review these topics if it’s the least you do. And don’t be surprised if you end up aroused. This sex blog will change a lot more than the way you think about sex…

In Bed With Married Women

A lovely, humorous, classical, and diverse sex blog by Jill Hamilton. Her stories are very unique from the sex bloggers I’ve previously mentioned. Ones such as Reader’s New Dude Has Too Much Stamina. What Should She Do? follows up with realistic advice. Need help with something sexual? Try hitting up Jill 😐. What I learned from Jill that will take immediate effect in my life:  12 Best Porn Movies – Where To Find Good Feminist Porn Movies With Plot.” This is another one of the top sex bloggers.

Oh Joy Sex Toy

This is a really cute, intelligent, and sex positive blog that promotes sex education for people of many genders and sexual preferences. There’s a section on health, sexuality, and how to’s. The best way to describe this blog is Diversely Informative. If you have questions about anal you can probably learn how to do it, safely, on Oh Joy Sex Toy. This is another one of the top sex bloggers.


Dr. Justin Lehmiller differentiates him self from other sexual bloggers in the sense that his is about the “science of sex,” according to his about me. The blog is geared towards many ages, offering impersonal, factual information on sex, amongst other topics. If you want to know the “why’s” this is a good place to explore. A recent and interesting article from Dr. Lehmiller is, Where Do Our Sex Fantasies Come From?. If you have a recurring story yourself, you might be interested in learning why that gets you off every time, or just why it turns you on in general. This is no small thing. The data that supports this is based on a study of 4,175 people for which Dr. Lehmiller also wrote his book, Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life. Understanding the deep end of sexual tendencies can offer you a different approach to the activities. This is another one of the top sex bloggers.

Red Table Talks (Vlog)

Also informative, is Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red Table Talks. When she sits down at the table, no matter with whom, you leave with a newly discovered understanding and some emotions to go along with it. She discusses many things, but, to focus on sex, she’s produced two videos:  Jada Pinkett Smith Talks Past Sex Addictions and Jada Pinkett Smith opens up about her sex life…Willow gets awkward! Unlike the other sex bloggers, these videos are about sexual issues that transpired in past instances. So from watching them you can take away advice on addiction and things like talking to your kids about sex.

Sex bloggers are so very versatile. Arousing. Stimulating. Informative. Interactive. Most importantly, they get you thinking about sex, a topic that is as real as any other. Share your sexual frustrations, experiences, and advice accordingly 😊.

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