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10 Best Self-Help Books You Need On Your Book Shelf

10 Best Self-Help Books You Need On Your Book Shelf

Personal and self-growth are significant for our overall sustainability. Whether you feel stuck in a mundane routine, job, or relationship, your self-growth and self-love are most important to pull you out of what you feel stuck in. Many of us are seeking for something more, and many times we find outlet in the wrong things. Focusing on yourself first is imperative for the success internally which then grows to externally. These are some best self-help books to give you insight and help you take the next step toward finding inner peace, which then can expand to your outer conflicts.

1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

One of the best self-help books that I have read over the years is this one. Hands down. This book is such an easy and short read. The concepts are broken down for easy understanding and comprehension. Ruiz goes into detail about the four agreements you should adapt into your life for less stress, disappointment and worry. 

His four agreements: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. When you integrate these concepts into your life, it can help you take seemingly complex situations or feelings and solve them in a more peaceful way. 


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2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This fictional story is about a young man who is told by a fortune teller that at the Egyptian pyramids is where he’ll find treasure, which is what he dreamed of. From getting robbed many times, to falling in love, to meeting an alchemist who teaches him many lessons, this journey he takes him through many highs and lows but proves to be just what he was seeking. 

The Alchemist is one of the best self-help books out there in teaching us to always follow our heart and dreams, no matter the bumps you encounter along the way. Pick up this book and discover that the journey you’re on is the one meant to be!


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3. The Untethered Soul by Micheal A. Singer

This intriguing book is a tool in helping you tap into your consciousness. Singer gives you detailed examples of how you can channel your inner consciousness to be in the present moment by letting go of the unnecessary thoughts and emotions that cloud your ability to see things how they are. 


The Untethered Soul is a short read, making it easy to read within a morning or afternoon. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and indulge in this beautiful read to expand your inner space. Read with an open mind and heart to absorb all its benefits!

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4. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

This is one of the best self-help books of all time! Rachel dives into all of the lies we believe in today’s society that are completely untrue. She is uplifting and encouraging while explaining that it is only you and your choices that can help you achieve what you want. 

She helps you believe in yourself and strengthen that inner confidence we all know we have but are sometimes afraid to use. This book hypes you up to go after all the things you want to accomplish in life, and to break down those false beliefs you have about yourself and replace those with positivity and grace. 


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5. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This extremely powerful book teaches readers just how important it is to live in the now, the present moment. Tolle explains just how strong the ego likes to pull you into worrying about the past or stressing about the future, which is time spent lost. 

The moment you are living in is now, not yesterday or a month from now. This spiritual book gives us insight in how we can discover our true self and find inner peace. If you want a guide with the tools to help you overcome stress, anxiety, and pain, this is the best self-help book for you!


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6. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

This humorous and straight-forward book helped me see just how capable I am in creating the life I want to live. This book helps you figure out just how important it is to do what makes you happy, regardless of the opinions you receive from others. 


Sincero writes, “It’s about being proactive about creating a life you love instead of meekly living one you think you’re stuck with.” With her real-world advice, she helps you squash the self-doubt and go after what you want. If you need a boost of motivation, this is the top book to pick up and give a read! 

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7. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This book not only helped me strengthen my relationship with my significant other but it helped me strengthen the one I have with myself. Gray Chapman goes over the five key languages of love and how to implement them into your daily life. He gives you detailed situations and how to overcome them. 

Words of Affirmation, Act of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch are the five love languages you can apply to your self-love. Learning what type of love you accept creates a platform of what you can give to yourself and others. If you need clarity on what kind of self-love you can give to yourself, go and pick up this book now!


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8. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg 

This is one of the best self-help books to add to your collection if you’re in need of a guide to help you take control of your life. The Power of Habit explains how habits are form through the explanations of stories and science. Human’s are “creatures of habit”, we’ve all heard this before, but this book explains exactly why we are. 

This book will help you recognize what is “cueing” your habit and what is “rewarding” it, but most important it will guide you to create new habits and break old ones. Whether you want to loose weight or stop mindlessly scrolling on your phone, this book can help you take control of what you spend your time doing, and make it a habit


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9. The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson

This influential book gives readers a taste of what not giving an f*ck actually means. It can mean different things to many people but what’s important is not caring about unimportant things. This means that if living a good life is important to you, then you should only be worrying about the things that align most with your values. 

Manson gives the concept that there’s no such thing as not giving a f*ck, because you must give a f*ck about something, but the things true to you. If you find yourself caring about insignificant things in your life and need some perception, give this book a thorough read!


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10. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic is another best self-help book to add to your bookshelf. This book teaches you how to live with your fears instead of wishing they were gone, and using your fears as motivation to create what you want in life. Gilbert addresses to allow yourself to create, even when you don’t know where to begin or how. 


Gilbert writes, “You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures.” This gives readers enthusiasm to keep going even when they fail and that just because you fail at something does not mean you are a failure. Pick this book up to feel inspired to get creative with your goals!

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Focusing time and effort on yourself is so important. What are your favorite self-help books? Let us know in the comments below! 

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