10 Best Self-Help Books For Graduates You Should Read

Graduating into the adult world can be hard for some. And scary. There’s no mistake that sometimes, people need some help in moving forward, whatever their endeavors. Here are ten of the best self-help books for graduates.
1. Man Searching For Meaning
The first self-help book I’ve ever read, this is an emotional journey. Written by Viktor Frankl, this book details his experiences within Nazi death camps, and those of others, and imparts wisdom on an emotional and spiritual level. While this might be a somewhat heavy book for some to read, this is a book that should be read at least once in your life.
2. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
This is another of the best self-help books for graduates. It presents great ideas for solving personal and professional problems. Written by Stephen R. Covey, the book focuses on the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness and dignity. You may think those things are easy to hold on to, but for some, it is very difficult. This book makes it a little easier.
3. The Power Of Positive Thinking
The title says it all. A lot of people, myself included, suffer from negative thinking from time to time. It’s a bad habit that we all would be better off without. Getting into the right mindset though, can be incredibly difficult for some people. To quote the book,”[it was] written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life.”
4. The 4 Hour Work Week
I admit, I was a little skeptical when I first heard about this one. But then I started doing some more research, and it kinda grew on me. While not exactly traditional like the other books on this list, this book does offer great insight into the changing world of today and how to better live in it, from how to work from home and make money to how to employ ‘mini-retirements.’ While this is not the best self-help book for graduates that I would recommend first and foremost, this is definitely one I would read later down the line.
5. The Power Of Habit
We all have our habits, that’s normal Way some people don’t realize is how much these habits can control us. This book, written by Charles Duhigg, goes into detail on how much power habits really have over us, and how we can change that. If we can control our habits, it’ll be that much easier to make positive changes in our lives, making it one of the best self-help books for graduates.
6. The Last Lecture
This is another of the best self-help books for graduates.”…time is all you have…and you may find one day that you have less than you think…” is the message of the book, and while might see it as negative, that couldn’t be further from the truth. This book is about going out there and overcoming your obstacles, helping others achieve their own dreams, and realizing what it is you wanted to do with your life and taking every chance you could to get there.
7. The War Of Art
For those struggling to continue with their creative projects, this book, written by Steven Pressfield, is the perfect ‘well-aimed kick in the pants guaranteed to galvanize every would-be artist, visionary, or entrepreneur.’ This is a book of tough love that you’ll happily accept, so that you can move forward with your dream projects.
8. How to Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People
Some people just aren’t social. Or they have trouble communicating exactly what they want with other people. This is the best self-help book for graduates who are suffering from such a problem. This will help you in getting whatever it is you want from who you’re talking to. And the best part is, they will feel like they got something out of talking as well. As the book itself says, it’s a win-win for all parties involved.
9. Assume The Worst: The Graduation Speech You’ll Never Hear
The title alone earned this book its spot on the list. And it also reflects a certain belief of mine I’ve had since high school: Hope for the best but expect the worst. A lot of people try to paint the time after graduating as an exciting time of new possibilities. While it may be that, there are also going to be some very tough times as well. This book helps you prepare for the cold reality that others might want to avoid and thank goodness it does.
10. The Blue Day Book
This is more of joke entry, but considering how much this book has helped me in the past, I thought it deserved a spot on this list. You’re bound to have bad days in the future. (Or blue days.) This book, through some humorous animal pictures and a few well-chosen words, has the power to lift anyone’s spirits. It shows that whatever problems you have happen to everybody else all the time. That there is still so much potential in each and every once of us, that we shouldn’t spend our time moping about. To quote the book itself, ‘Go out there, and go for it.’ One of the best self-help books for graduates. For people in general.