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The 9 Best Quiet Reading Spots At UConn

The 9 Best Quiet Reading Spots At UConn

UConn is a big campus with a lot of people. It can be hard to find some peace and quiet sometimes. Read on to find quiet reading spots at UConn.
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UConn is a big campus with a lot of people. With this many people it can be hard to find some peace and quiet sometimes. Whether you are trying to study for an upcoming exam or take a break and study, here are some reading spots at UConn to visit to enjoy those little moments of quiet.

1. The bookstore in Storrs Center

Unless you are in there shopping for an actual book, or are looking for something specific, there are not many people in the bookstore during the day. If you need to read just pop a squat in one of their chairs, or stop by the cafe in the back of the store.



2 and 3. Starbucks and Dunkin in Storrs Center

There is extra seating and extra caffeine available at both of these locations. They are convenient to get to via bus or walking, and you can get your daily dose of coffee in the process.



4. Student Union Lawn (when warm outside)

Although it may not be the quietest spot to sit and read, chilling on the lawn in the nice warmth of the sun feels relaxing. Many people hang out on the lawn between classes in the first few months of school and near spring finals, when the sun is out and it’s not the usual windy cold Storrs we all are used to.

5. Nursing Building Lobby

The nursing building was renovated in 2011, and with it came a beautiful lobby with lots of chairs and couches. I basically live in this building anyway, so I spend my extra time sitting here doing homework. Also, we are all hard at work with studying so it’s usually pretty quiet.

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6. Lobby of the Student Union

While the food court is bustling with people at almost all hours of the day, the lobby is just as packed. The north and south lobby and the commuter lounges are full of people studying, so it’s almost always quiet in there.

7 and 8. B level and 4th floor of the library

If you’ve ever paid attention to the signs in the library, it specifies the expected noise level on each floor. I’ve never been up to the 4th floor myself, but I’ve heard people give you dirty looks if you drop your books too loudly onto the table. Everytime I need a quiet place to study I go down to the B level. There’s not really any talking so a lot of work gets done.

9. Mirror Lake

There is a lot of open grass space all around the lake, and it’s right near Storrs Center, so you can some food to enjoy while you read. There is also the rope swings between the lake and Arjona for you to swing on. It’s a fairly quiet area, so it is pretty relaxing if you have time to sit between classes.


Do you have any other quiet reading spots at UConn? Let us know in the comments below!
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