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15 Best Products For Natural Hair

15 Best Products For Natural Hair

With all the damage that comes from using heat on your hair, sometimes it is best to let your natural hair be free! Embrace those locks with the best products to try for natural hair!

With all the damage that comes with heating and styling your hair, natural hair is sometimes the best way to go. There are products that can help to achieve a fabulous look while embracing your natural hair! From thin to thick, from fried and kinky, all natural hair types are included. This is a list of the best products for natural hair!

Suave Coconut Oil

First off, the smell. It’s delicious! Now your hair will smell pretty, fried hair will look much healthier and makes it easier to brush! Even better- softer hair.


Argan Oil

Argan Oil has the unique quality of instant absorption into hair. It restores shine and softness while strengthening brittle hair.

Moroccan Oil Frizz Control

If this could work wonders on the models’ fried hair, it could definitely work on us. Though many products now contain its star ingredient, argan oil, this one remains a favorite for use on over processed hair, which tends to be a frizz magnet.


Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Conditioner

First off: it’s cheap. This is great on your wallet! Fruity smell, hydrated hair, helps detangle those crazy knots. Some conditions may be watery, and this is the complete opposite. Helps your hair and leaves it soft, shiny (not greasy) and easy to style.


Garnier Fructis Flat Iron Perfector

Once again, a very fruity smell. This product is especially perfect if you have 15 minutes to get your hair straight (be realistic please, if your hair is suuuper long or thick 15 min is not enough). This also helps protect colored hair and better bargain for your money!

Not your Mother’s Beach Babe

I am an owner of this product and I’m OBSESSED with this. This is also great money wise (atleast for a college student like me). I have somewhat curly hair and to help tame the curls I go to this every. Single. Time. It gives your hair a bit of texture.


Big Sexy Hair Powder Play

This is a great product if you’re looking for immediate volume. It also doesn’t weigh hair down- a huge bonus. Very easy and great for on- the go.



Kendra Blow Dry Spray

I have been buying this product for years now. It is somewhat pricey, but totally worth the money. If you have thick hair like me, you’ll find this product to be a blessing. I despise blow drying my hair unless I have this- 25 minutes and damp cut down to maybe 7 to 10 minutes max. Bonus: It smells delicious!


Pantene 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner

I absolutely love this conditioner! First off- cheap. Secondly- Leaves your hair unbelievably soft and shiny. For thick hair, this is a blessing. This also helps the girls who have curly hair and don’t want it all over the place.

Pantene Pro-V Thickening Hairspray

This hairspray is perfect for giving you tons of volume and really thickening your hair. If you hate the stickiness and dryness that hairspray can give, this is perfect because it gives you the volume without putting to much on to your hair!



Kinky Curly Knot Today

Knot Today can be used as a leave-in or a rinse out conditioner.  I typically use it as a leave-in because it’s fabulous for detangling natural and transitioning hair.  The smell is also very marshmellowy, but not in an annoying way.  I really like this stuff!

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Pantene Expert Intense Hydration Shampoo

Healthy and shiny hair. Combo shampoo & conditioner available as well. A well used company and product. Must I say more?





Pantene Detangler

Along with my thick and curly hair, I live by this product. This helps me before I go to brush my hair after a shower or after taking out a bun. It smells great, doesn’t make your hair feel icky and leaves a small shine!


CHI Texturing Spray

Nice and natural. There are many pro’s to this product such as; cheap, bottle lasts about 2 months, quality, holds well, no smell and no oily sense. Great brand, great price!



Do you have any other suggestions for the best products to try for natural hair!? Share in the comments below!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!


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