10 Best Podcasts For Harry Potter Lovers

Even though the original seven books have been out over a decade Harry Potter remains a global phenomenon. Revisit the books and movies that created the wizarding world with these 10 podcasts on all things Harry Potter.
With Harry Potter so prevalent in pop culture it’s hard to imagine people who haven’t read the books or at least seen the movies. Mike Schubert started off Potterless having not read a single page of Harry Potter and not really paying attention to the movies. Listen along and experience the novels again for the first time alongside Schubert. Listening to him bounce theories and interpretations off of guest hosts will take you back to your original read.
UNspoiled! Harry Potter
Like Potterless this podcast has a complete newbie to all things wizard. Two hosts read through the books together, one knows all there is to know, the other has no knowledge at all. If you’re looking to jump into Harry Potter read along with this podcast, it’s like having two friends going through the journey with you.
One of the first Harry Potter podcasts, MuggleCast has been around from 2005 and you can listen to their original episodes all the way up to their most recent ones, which still come out today. Listen for the in’s and out’s of all the wizarding world throughout the years.
The official podcast of the fan site The Leaky Cauldron, PotterCast has also been around since 2005 and doesn’t disappoint. Similar to MuggleCast, this podcast offers a complete history of the creating of Harry Potter. Listen for interviews with the actors and creators behind your favorite characters.
The Real Weird Sisters
Named after the legendary wizarding world band, Alice Asleson and Martha Krebill, are two real sisters who love Harry Potter. Neither pretends to be an expert on all things Potter but the fun, conversational podcast will make you feel like your amongst friends.
Witch Please
Add a little feminism to your Harry Potter analysis with Marcelle Kosman and Hannah MacGregor’s Witch Please. Enjoy this unique perspective on JK Rowling’s novels as these two “lady scholars” show why witches are best!
NewtCast looks to the next phase of Harry Potter, away from the original seven. The universe has expanded with Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts, so listen to NewtCast to stay up to date with all the new developments in the wizarding world.
Harry Potter Minute
Most Harry Potter podcasts focus on the books, but not this one. Instead, this podcast takes every minute from the films and spends an episode breaking down what is shown. Try this podcast out for a different perspective on the films.
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
Co-hosts Vanessa Zoltan and Casper ter Kulie take each Harry Potter chapter and break down the key themes they represent. From betrayal and vulnerability to commitment and celebration this podcast explores the deeper meanings of JK Rowling’s novels. Be prepared to see the books not as fiction, but as a guide to the real world.
Binge Mode: Harry Potter
An extension of The Ringer’s popular Binge Mode podcast series hosts Jason Concepcion and Mallory Rubin offer a deep dive on all aspects of the Harry Potter universe. Each episode focuses on a collection of chapters offering a mix of literary analysis and dramatics. The seriousness of the research and production are balanced out with their various impressions and innuendos. This podcast set’s itself apart from the rest with its blend of NSFW jokes and geniune love of the novels.