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Best Places To Study On A College Campus

Best Places To Study On A College Campus

Best Places To Study On A College Campus

College campuses are filled with places to study that are not just the library’s quiet floor. It might take some time for you to find all of the places on your particular campus, but there are some common places to study that can be found at virtually any campus.

On- campus Coffee Shop

I am a huge proponent of coffee shops in general, but they really are great places to study. Half the time you will already find people in them doing the same and that means that there will be less people chatting anyway. The soft music will not interfere with your concentration, and I personally like the sound of baristas making coffee, so that may be soothing to you as well!

Hallways in between class changes

This is definitely not the most comfortable option, but anyone who has sat outside of a classroom while classes were still going, an tell you that the hallways are extremely quiet. I used to have an hour break in between classes, so I would always wait at my next class. That gave me a great opportunity to catch up on work because it was so quiet.



When it comes to outdoor places to study, they are the best when classes are in session. You will find few students occupying those areas and those that are, typically are there for the me reason as well. Sitting in a courtyard can give you a nice change from florescent lights and stuffy classrooms. It is always nice to get some fresh air, and that is a great place to get some!

Student Center

Given that the student center is a hub for current and prospective student’s needs, this might seem weird to be placed on a list for the best places to study, but unless its a weekend or a time when more students are out of class, it can be a relatively empty place. also, since it is meant to host many people at once, you can be sure to find seats.

Your major’s floor/space

My university was massive, so the individual colleges, or majors, had their own space. I was an English major, so on the English floor, there was another library and a seating area in the lobby. Since people who are not in your major will most likely not even know what’s available there, there is a good chance you will have a nice place to study.


I knew people who were in my major that didn’t even know that there was a library on the English floor, so that area was usually quiet and empty. Look around, ask some friends and see what you have at your college!

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Study Floors in Dorms

Study floors are literally designed to be the best places to study. However, in my case, the only students who could use them were people who lived on campus. We could sign in those who didn’t live there, but you have to know someone who lived on campus, so be aware of your school’s policies.


Designated Help Areas

I can admit that I struggled with certain subjects like Spanish, and studying on my own was not an option. I was lucky enough that my school had places to go where I could get help with my foreign language, they had a facility for writing, science, and math.

Not only do those facilities help with an area that you might be struggling with, they are great places to study. They provide quiet areas to focus where you do not have to worry about distractions.

If you take some time, you can find all of the places that your university has to offer. Let me know down below what your favorite space is!

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