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10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At Ohio State University

10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At Ohio State University

Are you at that point where you just can't anymore? Maybe it's finals week...or, let's be honest, any week and you just need to cry but don't want to scare your roommates. Take a look at this list for the best places to cry on campus!

Are you at that point where you just can’t anymore? Maybe it’s finals week…or, let’s be honest, any week!  You just need to cry but don’t want to scare your roommates. Take a look at this list for the best places to cry on campus!

1. The eleventh floor of Thompson

You want absolute silence for your next cry session? Head up to the eleventh floor of Thompson! You might get kicked out if your sobs are too uncontrollable, but man, is that view worth it!

2. Morrill Traditions

It’s called comfort food for a reason. Go stuff your face and get your cry on. Morrill Traditions is almost always empty anyways so no one will even notice!


3. A practice room

You might wonder why music majors are always “practicing.” Practice rooms are the perfect place to cry! Lock yourself in one and get to it!

4. A study pod in the Union basement

These things are magical. They are usually full, and I think we all know why. This is one of the only public places on campus that is also super private. If you don’t want to make it super obvious that you are about to cry, but you also don’t want to go hide in the corner, snag a study pod in the Union basement!

5. A hammock in Buckeye Grove

Buckeye Grove is perfect to cry in in general, but who wouldn’t want to do it in style? Although tempting, wait until after winter to hang up your hammock and let the tears stream.


6.  Your dorm showers

This is probably the most convenient option. The shower is the one place that you can guarantee you won’t be disturbed. Afterwards, you’ll feel so much better – on the inside AND outside.

7. The Wexner Center

Who me? Oh I’m just enjoying the art! The Wexner Center is a foolproof option. Pretend that the art is the driving force behind your emotions and they will never know the difference!

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8. Knowlton’s rooftop garden

A hidden gem on campus, Knowlton’s rooftop garden is very versatile. It’s the perfect place to study, bring a date, and – you guessed it – cry! Secluded from the entire campus, you can get in touch with nature and yourself.

9. The Recreation Natatorium

Hear me out – who could tell the difference between tears and pool water? The Recreation Natatorium, located right next to the RPAC, is a fun option for when you do not want a quick cry session to ruin your night. Grab all your closest friends, dive in, and unleash the waterworks!

10. Literally anywhere

Ok, but truthfully, you could cry anywhere on campus and be free from judgement. Honestly, most people are feeling the same way and might not be able to resist the urge to join in. We’ve all seen the one kid crying right in the middle of class and wanted nothing more than to crash their crying fest.


Where do you like to cry? Let us know down below!

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