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10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At North Carolina State University

10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At North Carolina State University

As much as we love college, sometimes it gets the best of us. I've shed my fair share of tears and know places to cry at North Carolina State University.

Let’s face it. As much as we love college, sometimes life gets the best of us, and without our moms’ shoulders to cry on, where do we go? Lucky for you, I have shed my fair share of tears and know the perfect places to cry at North Carolina State University to let it all out!

1. Your 18’x11′ Dorm Room

Ahhh, theres nothing like sharing a room (closet) with at least one stranger as soon you are thrown into a school with 30,000 new faces. Although you may be very overwhelmed with your new life, at least you have some privacy! So go ahead and sob into your pillow at night. Not only will everyone on your hall know you are crying, but they will want to know all of your business too! And nothing is more comforting than talking out your issues with people that don’t know a single thing about you.


2. Your Local Fraternity

Don’t let yourself be fooled. When he asks, “Who do you know here?” he is genuinely looking out for your best interest. Look past the excessive drinking, arrogance, and territorial traits. These guys really care about getting to know you better. So if you need someone to cry to, just reach out to your local frat star!

3. A Party on Maiden

Okay, but seriously this time. Have you ever met a drunk girl that wasn’t immediately your best friend within 5 minutes? Exactly. And there is no better place to find your new bestie to cry to than at a party on Maiden Lane.



4. An NC State Sporting Event

Are you crying because you think you failed your physics test or because the Wolfpack managed to lose another heartbreaking game in overtime? Nobody will know. We all want to cry anyways, so just go ahead and let it out.


5. D.H. Hill Library

Good ole’ Hill. You’re probably here because you have 4 projects, a job interview, and two tests coming up this week. How stressful! Lucky for you, you’re not the only one who is about to lose it. In fact, the girl napping in the egg chair next to you is probably sleeping through the exam she pulled an all-nighter for! So if you accidentally delete the 10-page paper you have been working on for hours, go ahead and cry right then and there. Nobody is judging you. We can relate.

6. The Southeast Loop

If you find yourself riding the Southeast Loop to Centennial Campus everyday, I am sincerely sorry. Not only does the bus reek of BO and mildew, but also the seat you just sat in was wet with someone else’s sweat, you will likely get carsick and you’re also probably going to be late for class! Yikes. The real question is how are you not going to cry on your commute?


7. Fountain Dining Hall

Are you crying because of your life or because you just realized that you are going to be eating this food for the next four years?

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8. Your Professor’s Office

Honestly, this is so strategic. Regardless of what you are crying about, you might get an extension on your project or perhaps some extra credit on your test, just because your professor feels bad. So, why not?

 9. Bragaw Residence Hall

If you didn’t cry during orientation when you realized that this is going to be your lifestyle for the next year, you’re a liar.


 10. Bid Day!!!

Are those sad tears? Happy tears? Fake tears? I’m not really sure, but literally every girl seems to be crying at bid day, so why shouldn’t you?!

Where are your favorite places to cry at North Carolina State University when you just can’t anymore? Share in the comments below!
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