10 Best Places To Cry At University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Coming into college, we are constantly told of all the fun times, great memories, and lifelong friends you will make during your time in school. While this may all very well be true, the reality can be a bit more grim at times. No friend of your parents that you barely know trapped you in a corner at your high school grad party talking your ear off about such joys as an impossible workload, the complete absence of a normal sleep schedule, or just the overall life-sucking (and regrettably mandatory) phenomena known as “adulting” that are in store over the next 4 years. The truth is, college is tough. Every now and again you simply can’t keep it all inside anymore, but have no fear. Here are the 10 absolute best places to cry on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus.
1. The 1North MTD Around 8:50 am
Sometimes the most intimate places are the most crowded ones. And if there’s one place on campus that is sure to be full of people, its the last bus headed for the quad before everyone’s 9am class. Save time by bursting into tears on your way to lecture without even being noticed.
2. The Dorm Showers
Literally, and figuratively, drown out your sorrows in the lukewarm, low pressure water of the dorm showers. Being cold, wet and naked in a small white tiled room is enough to make you want a shed a tear on its own.
3. The Statues Behind Foellinger
If you’ve ever walked behind Foellinger Auditorium, you’ll likely remember these eye-catching statues. Not only are they unique pieces of art, but they make the perfect camouflage for your next impromptu existential crisis. Just casually veer off the sidewalk on your way to class and crouch into the fetal position right next to this stone gentleman, and you’ll blend right in.
4. The Library (but Only on a Friday Night) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
If privacy is what you’re searching for, look no further than the library on a weekend. Its consistently empty for the entire evening, so while your peers are out on the town, you’ll have the whole place to yourself.
5. Pull a Moaning Myrtle
Take a page from the infamously depressed Harry Potter character affectionately known as Moaning Myrtle, the girl who spends eternity as a ghost wallowing in obnoxiously loud tears, confined in a bathroom stall. She really has it all figured out. There’s always a bathroom nearby, and its a guaranteed private space for as long as you need it. Genius.
6. The Middle of the Quad Between Classes
Misery loves company, and if you’re feeling down, odds are you aren’t alone. Just stand on the quad between classes when its most crowded and let it all out, don’t hold back. Soon enough your fellow depressed peers will flock to you like crows, and join you in your woeful state.
7. Study Rooms at Ikenberry Commons
The ike is a hub of student activity, and one of its many perks is the option to check out a small private multipurpose room. These rooms are perfect for studying, playing piano, or having an emotional breakdown, all with the swipe of your I-card.
8. The Espresso Royale Line on Latte Wednesdays
Everyone loves coffee, especially when theres a discount. Hop in the mile long line and you’ll have a solid 20 minutes of waiting to get the tears out of your system. Then, by the time you’re finished, a nice cup of coffee will be waiting to cheer you up. And when has coffee ever not cheered you up?
9. The Main Stacks in the Main Library
The stacks in the UIUC Library are an endless maze of books, articles and documents that literally requires a map to navigate. Residing right off the quad, its location is prime, and solitude is a guarantee.
10. In the Arms of Your Best Friend
The role of a best friend entails many responsibilities, and perhaps the most important of these is being there when you just can’t handle it on your own. This is one place that is totally safe, judgment free, and will be there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you go to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, you totally understand these are the best places to cry.
Let us know what you think about University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hey, I’m Maddie Rice, a globe traveling, Disney loving, volcano hiking, trilingual adventure addicted townie and student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign! I am forever in defense of the underdog, am incurably curious, and have developed quite a love of telling stories. That all may sound a bit all over the map, but hey, people do things.