Categories: College Life

8 Best Parts Of Campus Life All New Students Should Know

Welcome to university! A place where hopes and dreams can come true! For all new students, a university is a different place compared to high school. Most high schools are very structured. Your day is already arranged for you, each class is predetermined. In the first couple of weeks, you probably have your timetable memorised! University is a place open with possibilities and opportunities. Now you are in university, here are the 8 best parts of campus life all new student should know.

1. The Environment

The university environment is extremely different from high school. High school is structured and confined. You are unable to journey outside of school grounds during the day. University is open and vast. You have the freedom to go wherever you want to go. The university campus life is filled with many buildings, green grasses and lots of people.

2. The Freedom

University campus life can be a true symbol of freedom. You have the freedom to choose where and when you want to go to places. Don’t want to go to class? Want to study at the library? Want to go to a bar? You can do all these things. University gives you the opportunity to work part-time and even catch up with friends on weekdays!

3. The Classes

Classes may not be on the top of your mind for the 8 best parts of campus life. New students should know about the freedom. If you are smart, you can schedule classes for a couple of days a week – so you might have a long weekend! It is your choice whether you want to go to class. If you don’t feel like attending you don’t have to go!

4. The Food

Campus life is full of a range of different places to buy food. Hate bringing a packed lunch? You could buy a burrito, a smoothie or sushi! The food on campus is the best, but be careful! Don’t go spending all your hard-earned money on food every day!

5. The Teachers

The teachers may not be one of the best parts of campus life for many students, but new students should know about them! The tutors are sometimes still studying or a couple years out of university, so they are very easy to relate to! All they want to do is for you to succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions!

See Also

6. The Friends

Campus life is what many say is a place where you can make new friends. Some of these friends could be your best friends for life. Campus life gives you many places to meet them. From in your class, to where you are staying, to the library, to even in the coffee shop! University gives you the chance to chat and form connections!

7. The Clubs

Another way to make friends is through the clubs on campus. Campus life gives you the opportunity to meet new people who have the same interests as you. Maybe join a political club, or a volunteering club, or even the cheese club! There are many different types of clubs, you will find one that will suit you perfectly!

8. The Parties

Any new student should be looking forward to the parties! A great way to meet new people. The parties could cost a small amount of money (like $10), but they are fun and exciting! Sometimes they even have a theme – like glow in the dark or a foam party!

New to university? These are some of the best parts of campus life you have to look forward too! Share with us your favourite parts of campus life in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Cara Ooi

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