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13 Best Outfits For When Meeting The Parents

13 Best Outfits For When Meeting The Parents

Meeting the parents bring up a lot of emotions. You want to make sure they like you and who you are as a person. You want to seem presentable to them so they think you and your boo are a good match. That being said, the outfit you pick for the big night should feel like you, but also make you very presentable to the parents.

It is hard to gauge what would be appropriate for meeting the parents. Again, just make sure the outfit fits what your style really is. Don’t feel like you have to dress in a pretty specific way because you want them to like you for who you really are. So, here are a variety of outfits that are unique yet appropriate for meeting the parents.

1. Blush Pink Cardigan

With fall just around the corner, this soft blush pink cardigan is perfect for a casual dinner or outing with your boo and their parents. This outfit works great because it is not distracting but is simple and comfy. Definitely an outfit for someone who does not like to get all dressed up and feel comfortable.


If you are some who likes to look a little fancy, bling up the outfit. Wear a matching pink necklace with some dangly gold earrings. If you are able to find some matching pink strap heals, it would help make the outfit pop just a little more.

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2. Babydoll Dress

This is not the only baby doll dress in this article, and that is just because I think they are so cute and are very cute on. This neutral colored dress is very simple allowing you to pair it with other kinds of patterns and accessories. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little with this dress, but not too much since you will be meeting the parents.

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3. Blue Striped Kimono

Kimonos are very relaxing and soothing, especially this one with those calming shades of blue. Being in more comfortable clothing when meeting the parents might actually help calm you down, giving you a nice relaxing demeanor around them.

If you would like this outfit to pop a bit more, I would suggest wearing a little red to really offset that cooler blue. Maybe find some comfy red flats, or just wear a nice red shade for lipstick. Silver jewelry works great with this look as it mixes well with those cool blue colors.

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4. Leopard Print Top

Animal print is starting to become pretty popular again and it looks really good on. You might think this might not be the look for meeting the parents, but like in the photo, matching that leopard print with a leather jacket and your favorite heals might give you a boost of confidence you’ll need for the big night.

Splash a touch of red with this outfit to really get that wow factor. Animal print and red go really well together as the colors look fierce together. If you aren’t wanting a look that is too overwhelming, the photo below has a great example of creating a more neutral look with that leopard print.

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5. Dark Grey Satin Camisole

A camisole, especially one like in the photo below, has an almost PJ feel, which isn’t a bad thing. When meeting the parents, you need to be able to feel like you can relax and enjoy your time with them. These outfits aren’t meant to make you feel any more stressed.

This camisole will help you feel at ease for the day and you can create many different styles with it. Wear it with a nice cardigan and jeans like in the photo or pair it with a lovely pink skirt with a cropped jacket.


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6. Denim Overalls

Overalls are so perfect in so many ways. I love them! They have a kind of playful feel to them that I think you would benefit from showing off when meeting the parents. Let your playful side out when around them to show how fun you can be. Wear a more flowy shirt like in the photo below. If you guys are planning to be outdoors, maybe pull out that wide-brimmed hat, it just looks so good with that denim.


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7. Light Ripped Jeans

I know ripped jeans have mixed reviews from older people, but who cares, if you like them, then wear them. This outfit is so cute anyway, like how could you hate those jeans? Wear them with a soft top to kind of offset that rugged ripped jean look. The light wash of the jeans works really well with so many different things. You could pair them with light or dark colors. And booties are always adorable with jeans like this!


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8. Light Flowy Tops

A light flowy top creates a lovely comfortable look while you can really dress it up and wear it to somewhere fancy. If you plan on going with a top that is a light pink or white, I suggest going with blues and greens to kind of add a splash of color without overwhelming the look altogether.


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9. Light Brown Button-Up Blazer

A blazer is very professional, and maybe that is what you want to go for when meeting the parents. Maybe they are very formal people and will appreciate your effort. That is always why it is a good idea to sit down with your S.O. and get an idea of who their parents are.


This brown blazer will look really great with a button-up top and some blue jeans like in the photo below. If you are really going for that professional look, I suggest wearing some black pleated pants and some nice maybe maroon or burgundy heels to add a little color.

See Also
5 Perfect Summer Outfits You'll Be Cute And Cool In

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10. Loose Black Fabric Shorts

It is still hot out for a few more weeks, so take advantage and wear fabric black shorts. A great combination with these shorts is a nice red blouse, but choosing black will allow you to have a wide range of choices when it comes to colors and tops. Wear your favorite heels with the outfit to dress the shorts up a bit.

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11. Black and White Striped Skirt

If you plan on meeting the parents over a fancy dinner, this is the skirt to wear. It has such an amazing shape and the black and white stripes allow for you to match with a lot of different things. Reds and pinks really make this striped skirt pop, but if you are looking for a more subtle look, I would say go with the cooler colors of greens, blues, and purples.

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12. Grey Cargo Skinny Pants

I think cargo skinny pants are so unique and they look really good on. Honestly, I think these kinds of pants can be worn for a casual or fancy outing. Whatever you plan to do when meeting the parents, these pants are a great choice! Like in the photo, you can dress them up with a lovely blouse and some super cute heels. Or wear just a plain t-shirt and booties to create a more comfortable and casual look.

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13. Red Babydoll Summer Dress

The other baby doll dress. Since summer is still chugging along for the last couple of weeks, you still have a chance to get yourself a baby doll dress for meeting the parents. Like I said before, baby doll dresses are so cute and just look good on. And I love a good red dress.

I couldn’t find this exact dress, so what you will see below this photo is a brighter red, plain baby doll dress. I do love the pattern of the original dress, but with a plain color, you have so many more options to match the dress with.


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You should definitely feel excited about meeting the parents. Don’t let your outfit contribute to any nervousness or stress you feel about meeting the parents. What are your favorite outfits out of all of these? Let us know in the comments below.

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