Online games are great ways to bring your friends together when you are physically separated. When you feel that the outside world feels like it is too much to handle all at once, video games provide an escape that we all need sometimes in worlds that are completely different from our own. If you are looking to challenge your friends to some friendly competition, here are some fun online games to play at your next game night (virtually of course).
Ever wondered what kind of person the mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky is? This time, you can give the answers! Fibbage is an online game where you get to provide the answers and hopefully convince your friends that you are the greatest liar. One person will need to purchase the game on a video game console in order to host a game and from then on, every player will just need their phone. Using the link and the special code, you will be ready to play. From then on, you’ll have the chance to answer the questions provided and gain the most points to win the game. Online games like Fibbage is always a fun time and one you can play countless times with your friends.
Consider yourself a Pictionary artist? How about taking your skills to your phone? The game Drawful lets you put your artistic skills to the test where hopefully your friends will be able to guess what you were drawing. Much like Fibbage, one person will have to host the server where you and your friends can join with the use of a special code. Once everyone has drawn their avatars, you will be ready to play Drawful! The fun of this online game begins with the challenge of the prompts. How exactly would you draw “secrets”? That’s up to you to decide! Hopefully, your friends will catch on to what exactly it was that you are going for. Even though playing Drawful is a game that you hope to play in the same room with your friends, you can still experience the social aspect even while social distancing. You can get a video call started and be able to see your friends and even try to explain what you were trying to draw.
This is one of those online games that take it back to basics but still provide a lot of fun. Words With Friends brings about a classic game but adds in a social element by being able to play with your friends. The game itself is pretty simple, but only the most verbose will thrive. Get your nearest dictionary ready and play one-on-one with your friends as you play to get the highest scoring words on the board. Existing as both a mobile app and being able to play on a desktop computer makes it one of the most accessible games to play with your friends. While the game is pretty simple, you just might find yourself surprised at how addicted you get to this game and want to return to it time and time again.
The online game that might be dominating your social media feed is just as popular as ever. The latest version of Animal Crossing is entitled New Horizons and players can’t get enough. With it being released for Nintendo Switch in the middle of a time when we are all starting to stay home, this online game could not have come at a better time. The best part of the game is the unlimited number of options for how to play the game. Starting out on a deserted island, you can really make the game to be whatever you want it to be and you can really decorate your virtual space however you want. The social component of being able to play with your friends makes it that much better. You can also visit the islands of your friends through cute avatars and how they decide to create their own world. No matter how far away you are from your friends, you can reunite the virtual world and live out your ideal life in the safe and happy world of Animal Crossing.
The classic racing game is even better when played with friends. Mario Kart was recently made into a mobile app that makes it possible to play with your friends as a variety of characters and in race tracks that are only limited by your imagination. While the classic video game has been known as a game that you can play on your own, it’s made even more fun with the added competition of your friends. It’s also great that Mario Kart can now be played on your phone without needing an additional console. All you have to do is download the app and let the race begin. Bragging rights are sure to be had once the races are over.
Let’s be honest, everyone loves a good dirty game. Being able to let out the darkest of dark humor isn’t something you get to do too often, so why not let it out in a game night with friends. Of course Cards Against Humanity is a classic party game back when it was safe to have parties. Now that social distancing is the norm, you can play the game Evil Apples online to have the same amount of fun. The game is available in a mobile app format so anyone with a smartphone can play. While not affiliated with Cards Against Humanity, the same principles are held where you choose the best (or worst) card to play to answer a prompt. One person decides which is the best card out of the rest so you really need to know their sense of humor. Online games like Evil Apples will be sure to keep you entertained for hours even while social distancing.
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